Tuesday, April 05, 2011

was chatting with my colleagues. even they start to worry for me being the only child when my parents are gone in the future..

they felt my parents are simply too protective of me. indeed. i feel this way too. yes i do treasure this privillege. but i guess i have to toughen up a little and learn how to say NO. because of my fragile personality, even they can tell i'm someone who hardly says no. yeah. coming to think of it. when's the last time i said no?

when friends require assistance and help, i'll gladly say yeahs.

when friends ask me do a de-tour at times, i'll say yes again.

when people ask me to head over to their area, i'll nod my head too.

when comes to choosing of dinner/lunch, i have no stand of my own.

no matter how inconvenient it is to me, i'll still agree to their requests.

when how unhappy i am, i'll still attend the occasion.

the list goes on.

why is it that hard for me to say no? i'm just not firm enough. i merely go along with the crowd. be it food, places to go, interests, etc. twenty years of life going on like this. soon its time for me to wake up. but first my parents have to let me go alittle.

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