life is full of ups and downs.. one moment you are way high up happily, one moment you are down all the way above hell a little...
celebration ended successfully despite the hiccups along the way. phew.
recently got influenced by serene my dear emo partner.. talking about it, i haven seen her for a long time! (ok just 1 wk) LOL. anyways, totally love to walk ard in the nighttime admiring the pretty sky scrapers in the midst of the busy city buzzing lights. walking alone feels great. good for the mind too. think alot alot alot.......
thanks bff ♥, serene, fangy, zhiyong, wilson, kx and russell for listening to my woes and giving me valuable advices. will keep those in mind. but now, let me emo a little longer and i will pick myself up again!
its hard not to care about someone. and when i say i don't care, i don't literally mean i don't care. i think i'm just foolish. knowing all the time i'm just an option in some ppl lives, i still place priority of them in my life. knowing the fact that i'm gonna get hurt again and again, i still place trust and concern for them. knowing that they're not worth my attention, i still fall in it deeply.
that's the stupid side of me :/
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