its how amazing time really flies..... she's my closest and bestest (if there's such a word) friend when i was in primary school... infact she's like an inseparable soul of me LOL. when there's michelle, there's me too! we made phonecalls to each other everyday until her ah gong always scold her for talking on phone for hours.. we go each other house to play during holidays given the fact we live so nearby~ (walking distance) despite the countless arguments and cold wars we have, we somehow always just patch up with one another.. cause all the time we're getting angry over really trival matters..
during art classes, we would take turns to bring materials for one another so that each would have a lighter weightload... she would bring brushes for me and palettes. and i will definitely bring all the pastel colours and crayons i have. so sweet right haha. (ok its sweet for me) i remember clearly once we quarrelled over certain stuff again during recess... (i think i was angry over the fact she promise to play badminton with me that day, who knows she played with another friend of mine first) so i refused to talk to her and treated her transparent.... however in the noon, there's art class, so i dont have brushes with me obviously. and i'm a very headstrong person, i wont admit my wrong and give in to talk to her just to borrow brushes from her~ so i seated there while everyone in the class move on to their colourings. thats when she came over, pass me the brushes silently and walked off.... it was then that i felt guilty and ought to apologise for having such a childish behaviour earlier on... (still i refuse to say sorry LOL) so i merely sat with her and share with her my materials as usual.. and somehow with that, we patch up again ((:
everything's so well until we had to separate in pri 4 while changing of classes... her studies are always far better in mine, she's strong in math and science, while i'm strong in chinese... i guess i somesort got her maths influence ~~ thats when in upper primary, i pulled up my maths and science alot from failures to an A in PSLE...though we got kinda separate in pri 4, we got back together to the same class in pri 5 and 6 where we are allowed to choose our paths. and thats when we both promised to take up higher chinese tgt. (in the mindset to get into the same class) indeed she nvr fails to let ppl down, she did very well in psle (in fact the top in our class) and move on to prestigious secondary school...whereas for me, i just have to head over to my affiliated school. i was really happy for her then. we made a point to keep in contact till sec 1-2... and we kinda drifted away since then.. also with the fact that she moved to a further place in the midst of sec school ~
oh! it was in pri 5 that hl and jess came and join us :) soon, 4 of us are inseparable! hopscotch, always late for school, getting booked by prefects, eating fishcakes, drinking jellyjoy, running down frm our classroom to the linkway, getting caught for playing poker cards in school (this is quite big affair, given we have to write an apology letter to our parents and make them sign in), laughing at chicken-neh teachers, getting our zuo ye book thrown out of the classroom cause we didnt do corrections... these were the memories we four shared...
we still do meetups till sec 2 i think... cause we have no longer common topics to talk about.. we have no idea each others' likes and dislikes.. i could no longer understand her social circle.. but one thing for sure is we never fails to forget each other birthdays and numbers.. ♥
because of her, i've a very happy childhood days in primary school. from a little girl who's afraid of going to school in primary 1 to someone who has a group of supporting clique...and that includes her too :D these memories are so precious and valuable that i'm bound to share with my children next time (if i ever have one)...

if only one day our daughters could all meet in pl and play hopscotch together again.
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