this weekend most happening event will definitely be........ my first virgin volunteering @ osim triathlon :D
all thanks to this volunteer, had a mini emo heart to heart session with girlfriends and watched the first sunrise together in east coast :) its so pretty. and the sea breeze is just so COLD. brr. make our hands stands. but worth the wait.
its really been a long time since i last stepped into east coast. its a very special place with alot of memories i have. everytime i been there, it never fails to make me smile :)
yippie volunteer- thats me! [with a $20 allowance hee]

love you two toots :D
oldest with youngest neh neh :P
i love the osim shirt more than you :P [ok just kidding hehe]
on a side note, i'm trying hard to get myself involved in meaningful events now. i'm always interested in social works volunteering.. in poly managed to engaged myself in leo club activities. hence now since i've no cca and projects in my new course.. i shall be determined and sourced for long term volunteering :) anyone got lobang tell me too! even my dad asked me whether i'm interested to join him in grassroots activities, but as the youth wing committee members.. guess with such things, it can shape my leadership skills too!
most importantly, seeing others happy makes my day!
just like many of u know, i hate kids to the core. but yesterday a very small incident simply makes me smile retardedly non stop. all because this little boy is urgent to pee, hence i let him go first... he came out telling me with his most innocent look a 4 yr old kid can look - "thank you jiejie" maybe because i dont have someone call me jiejie since young, i feel so so so happy at that very moment. i feel i did what an older sister has done. HAHA. omg. ok when its just such a SMALL tiny wheeny thingy. thickskinned. but oh wells, I'M REALLY HAPPY.