many things can just happened within few days.
so..... most of my girlfriends are starting school real soon. good for them, bad for me. cause i've lesser time spent with them :( thats sad really. but its ok! i know will always try to catch up with one another via sms/emails/fb/phonecalls~
everyone's just heading to different paths in their lives. ought to be happy for them, yet sometimes i cant help but feel a little upset. because of this fact, we've lesser time together, lesser common topics to chat about, lesser things in common, and most importantly things will definitely change. and such changes are things you can see with naked eyes.
telling yourself you're fine is the best solution. at least it helps to calm me down. this june and july's been the happiest month this year (so far) with girlies:
act ang-moh sotong fang ♥, serene my 超可爱好朋友 and blur-to-the-max ah hui.
as usuals, tumblrs photos makes me happy!

this reminds me of marble slab creamery icey cream! :D
a bed of roses.. sweettt... i prefer it to be purple!
my long lost friend!
need to get my piano fixed soon.
finding this colour for so longg :/
happie 3 friends. (i have mine too!)
that ice-cream looks like Macs's! island creamery/cold rock creamery ones look nicer!!
anyway for that sat let's meet up early early like when the stores just open. eat ice-cream? then got space. brows yes.
i doubt we can see each other soon|: but diff paths to take might mean good things what, got diff stories to gossip about, no? YES:d
HELLO EMO-ING at this hour is unhealthy you 2 shld kick the bucket! shld go sleep, like me^^
<3 gabriella julieanna HAHAHAHHA.
btw you can e-mail me;) i like typing HEEHEE e-mail me the old-fashioned way;)
@anon: wah seh emailing you HAHA! so sweet leh. machiam i really studying in london or sth. but i love that also :D
its not we wanna emo, its always late hrs will feel sad and think ALOT. and kick bucket not equal die meh -.-" now 七月 leh HAHA.
sat we going picnic and fly kite aft our brows and ice cream. walking around and enjoy the breeze feels good before ur torture starts.
how can you tell an Anonymous person what're you gonna do on Sat! Hahaha
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