omg this is deadly i tell you. hate this kind of weather. when i'm alone at home in this situation, i would ON all the lights in my house and prepare a torch light standby just in case my house blackout or what-so-ever... then take all my bears out and cover my ears with it... besides that.. call daddy/mommy immediately ask them wad time coming home... meanwhile talk to dearest on phone to keep me company. dun ask me why i scared ok. cos i myself also dunno.
sometimes in school, when my friends on the lights in a dark room, i will also cover my ears cos i thought it was lightning =.= haiz. thats how terrifying these stuff are :( oh and if its bedtime when the sky start thundering... HAHAHAHAHAHA all the best man. i confirm whole night cant slp de.. cos too busy covering my ears and hiding under the blanket.. since my parents know how worried i ya.. mommy will usually slp with me that night until the sky clears.. then she would help me cover my ears :) [this is not spoilt lor]
1st runner up: DARK!

damm scared of dark also :X hate it when ppl off my room lights or when my parents leave home without on-ing the lights first!!! cos when i come home later, open the door that time, it will be pitch dark.. and OH NO :S so it has always been a habit to on light in my house ard 6pm.. even when i slp.. my room light will be off. but there will be a small lamp beside my bed so that at least there's something bright near me... there goes the same for my parents room as well :) and even my living room and stuff we will switch off the lights, but definitely ON the toilet lights LOL. cos i dun like the feeling if there's a need to go out of my bedroom and its pitch dark outside :(
2nd runner up: COCKROACH!

heehee! i know cockroach pics are gross. so decided to find this cutie cartoon pic of it :) hope this improve your impression on it? HAHAHA. anyways, ya in my house both my mommy and i damm scared of cockroach :X its like if there's one in my house = WAR TIME. you will hear 2 woman screaming like mad in the whole house. and poor daddy will be the one there chasing after it and worst if its a flying cockroach hoho congrat man :P
recallling the incident that night:
so while having supper this flying cockroahc came in to my house!!!! mommy and i ran like mad. i went to take the hitting weapon for daddy. then daddd went chasing after it HAHAHA. and he actually let it escape after couple of times!!!! its like life and death issue can. then mommy damm bad lor. she hide into my room then close the door refuse let me in!!!! WTH! i got no room to run to :(((( then i was hopping on the sofa screaming until my daddy damm pissed ask me shududp =.= in the end the cockroach was KILLED after many battles :D thanks to our family hero!

this is a NO NO NO NO!!! still remembering my last injection was.... pri 6? or was it sec 1? aiya forgot leh LOL! i know that time gotta inject BOTh left and right arms leh. omg lah. i swear i was already trying my very best to relax ok! then the nurse still say " gal you are too nervous!!!!" wth. a needle poking into my flesh leh! how can i not be nervous! sickening. so as the needle drew closer and closer to my arm, i move further and further away LOL. and tears began to form in my eyes HAHAHA. and so the doc actually said ya ya its not painful, etc ,etc CRAP LOR. its damm painful hurts ok! CRY OUT LOUD immediately. ya i know its primary 6 alr. big gal. but ..... PAIN LEH!!!
maybe i am one of those type that's scared of pain. cos its like if i fall down or wad then will have cuts.. so mommy will have to apply those blue lotion type.. i cfm cry de. dun ask me why lor. i still find it very pain :X oh ya! rmb that day my mom close the drawer without noticing my fingers were there. so ya my fingers were snapped in between the drawers... yupp i cried instantly!!! its like so powerful hahahahah. then both my parents will rush to me and sayang me pamper me a little HAHAHA. [whole day kena treat like a princess leh, nice deal?]
lastly: DOLLS!

okay, you might be thinking gals shud like dolls wad. those barbie dolls, etc. barbie doll still OK, but this kind especially omg... scary. imagine you place it in your room, then in the night, they will wake up and dance around, touch your things, talk to each other, laugh, etc.. i always had this mindset since young LOL. so kinda dislike them :X seriously i find bears/stuffed toys MUCH MUCH cuter :P
how about your top 5 scary things?? feel free to share with me :)
alrights just a little update. shall move on to do more papers for ifa :(
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