rated: 3.5/5 the cartoons quite cute, and its damm funny!!!! as in the part where they both stretched, etc HAHAHAHAH
GI. JOE : rated 4/5 [partly because got eye candy! HAHAHA]

storm :)

HE HOT RIGHT!!!! OMG :D got his scenes, sure wont slp de hahahhaah [even jon spotted it!]
okay.. sorry guys, but abit of unglam-ness here LOL.
our dear baka, is it so nice ot slp on the bus?!
dinner was at HK cafe!!! wasnt feeling too well after movie.. so ya no choice gotta eat some porridge :( end up eating 3 mouths nia lah LOL! and had ot amdit, jon was really brain clogged that day, cos qihui gave him lotsa hints like damm obvious kind, and he still cant guess it =.=" DUMB :P
jon's siew mai? eh no. or is it wor tie AIYA I DUNNO LAH!
qihui charsiew & dumpling noodles..
jonathan papaya soup..
that day went really horrible cos i vomitted 3 times in cine.. back home another 3 times. feel really bloated and stuff.. then that night kena fever :( forced to eat some fever medicine. friday morning was worse! no strength at all lah ... whole body damm weak. but still must go down to clinic see doctor. since my own family doctor kinda far.. so headed to my mom's doctor. decided to try for the first time :) he said " its your gastric prob act up.. plus you constipate for 6 days, if you dun haf the urge to vomit, dun force yourself, its not good." haha and he actually wanna give me a jab so i can heal faster, and guess wad? i said "no, i dun wan. i rather heal slower"... seriously lor, the top few things i am scared of includes NEEDLES/ INJECTIONS!
oh well, guess its pretty good? since i feel much better liaos.. at least got the energy to eat and stuff. but onli can eat porridge T.T life sucks. no chicken leh! my belovedddddd chicken i want eat!!!! sobs! OMG. can you believe i nvr wash my hair ytd! cos i simply no energy at all lah.. only toka quick shower... i feel so gross LOL. OHOH!! my mom asked doctor about whether should i be given a jab before flying off to shanghai.. then doctor said it will be good cos sep and oct.. weather turning a lil cold. so prone to flu and stuff.. then my mom FORCED me to take! I DUN WANT! can someone help me ocnvince her?! cries. i rather die also dun wan jab sia!!!!!!
sometimes i really like to be sick.. cos i can be 100% SPOILED :D
examples: mommy take medicine and water for you
cooked everything for you, brew barley water..
wont kena scolded, treat you damm nice, like a lil princess
accompany you to slp...then give you a hug/kiss
need something? just simply call out to mommy& daddy!
daddy will call back every hour to ask "hows gal gal?? feeling better?"
aiya, dun study lah, go take a rest...
NO NEED to do household chores
everything is served right to you
mommy will get me new bear bear :X
i just haf to sit there and wait for mommy help me blow my hair LOL.
THANKS DADDY & MUMMY, so blessed to haf both of you. guess this is the only time you 2 will treat me this way so better make full use of it :P
wilson intro me this funny video HAHA.
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