so ya infa paper -> SADDED. my balance sheet din balance!!! and worst still i got net profit instead of net loss! wadever. its over, i shall start to worry on 14sep!!! HAHA. so right after that paper, went to celeb lingying bday!! went orchard with qihui, aneza, ly and jon. and actually aneza n i wanted to walk fm far east all the way to plaza sing. but it failed LOL eventually we spent 2 plus hrs in seoul garden!!! the food was yummy!! as u all know $5 fine was imposed for every 100g wasted, so ly n jon took too much sushi so we had to wrap them up in tissue and threw it outside the dustbin then noodles we hid it in the soup LOL.
HAPPIE BIRTHDAY LINGYING!!!!!!!!!! muackies!
went to meet janice!!!!!!!!! i miss her so so so much.. din see her since like last yr? since she studying in shanghai.. meet up with hl at hougang mall to buy a small gift for her. then wrap up and deoc stuff, then went to meet her. 2 late queens together give u SUPER LATE haha. cos actually meeting janice at 5.30 then pushed all the way to 7.30! but got tell in advance la phew.. wanted to eat at sushi restaurant but it was super long queue :( so no choice change of plan to kfc. since janice wanted to taste the diff between the chix in singapor eand shanghai :D had lotsa catch up here n there... and hl super into korean guys HAHAHA
and and the climax is we saw fireworks!!!!!!! cos was the fireworks fest! then we were so excited ran all the way there to douby ghaut mrt there where everyone crowd ard and see. then janice was like saying in shanghai is like u wan put fireworks then put de LOLL but once she put then her whole flat got robbed LOL so they moved haha.
went out with ly, jon and qihui (: supposed to meet qihui at far east 11am but late again as usual LOLL. i late in meeting ly at kovan mrt, then we hopped onto mrt like 1040 HEEHEE. and jon still best la, suposed meet him at orchard mrt then when i called him, he still at boon lay omg -.- went kbox frm 2-7pm! super fun!! sang all our hearts out LOL. but i miss aneza :( then ate dinner at pasta mania mussels and clams speghetti!!! YUMMY! then ocntinue our way at k-pool. now i know why huiling n jess so addicted to pool liao (: cos really very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHA.
and of course not forgetting, i fell down at the cineleisure after kbox =.=" cos i cnanot balance la, then suddenly sit down on the floor hahaha. yes everyone saw it omg! all 3 of you better forget it hor!!!! cos very cold ma, then was wearing qihui jacket so the sleeve abit big, then wanted to hold onto qh, but too slow la, so sat on the floor tskkkk!!! haiz ~ thanks ly for waiting bus with me heehee :D

with aneza <333

the ice cream in seoul garden!!!!!!

gift for janice :D

winnie pooh bottle with my fav colour PURPLE, msg frm us (:

lings with janice ((:

the unfinished symphony , erm i mean SUSHI HAHA :D

SEOUL GARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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