THURSDAY the day i declare freedom!!! wahaha shopping spree here i come!!!
macroecons: okay la not too bad, managable..except got some questions got stuck.. and this stupid question whereby the ans could not be determined caught me thinking and wasting half an hour of my time!!!! i was like checking is it i calculate worngly or wad, why the ans cannot be determine.. then in the end, the ans really cannot be determined :/ irritated.
over the weekend, mug for biz management -> the killer paper for today! the dumb question: "wad is norm and four reasons for norm?" my reaction for this question is " OH MY TIAN!!" and then i thought of stef haha cos jus right before the exam stef asked qihui and i this question, then we flip to that page and then i told stef, "aiyo wont come out one la" so i din read -.-"
the stupid social responsibility i also anyhow crap de sia.LOL so i aimed for a pass for the paper I DUN WAN TO RETAKE NEXT SEM!!! haha and then went for lunch with qihui, aneza and lingying (: and and and the climax for today!
aneza brought me yummy donut!!!! muackies!!!! ok now let u all drool over the donut heehee :P

okay and i rmb qihui crap that the words on top of donut is "SLOW" is not lor, aneza say is numbers gummy <33333
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