thank god everything is fine now. or rather, better. the same old feeling of worrying for someone is scary. i never like that, perhaps no one likes it. the thought of what might happen at the next moment, what's the last thing you did to/with him or her, etc. such flashbacks will naturally come by~
a sigh of relief right now.

that day i actually dreamt girl came back from her holidays 2 days earlier -.-" i miss her too much? :/ that night i called her forgetting the fact that she went for holiday,after nobody picking up the phone, i realised OH, she on holiday hor....
no wonder my house phone is so quiet these days.. but she's coming back tomorrow ^^v
daddy's been pretty busy these days with the budget and wrapping up of accounts for elections and all, one week only 1 weekday and weekends are back for dinner :( i hardly even have time to talk to him cause the moment he's back, he switched on comp to continue his accounts again.
i have yet to find the chance to talk to him about my backup plans. cant he spare some time for me? as such, i will have some random thought that did he still remember my graduation next week....
Paste post-its all over the house! That's what i do at times. Hee(:
<3 be patient ahhhhhhhhh. Then throw all your sweat blood tears into it also ;)
LOLL!u better not come my hosue and paste post-its :P trying to be patient!!!! with the grad gifts!!! come help me dearrrr!
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