first week of sch has already been so hectic. deadlines, projects, tutorials, lectures, presentations, everything just thrown to us, right smack into our face at the same time. i felt the pressure i have never once felt so strong before.. pressure from academics, parents, peers and sometimes even the surroundings..
to kick start the semester with having to bus to school right early in the morning is not something looking forward to... afterall, daddy's been fetching me to sch almost every single day? i guess i take it for granted.. somehow this time, i got to wake up even earlier, hopped onto buses and squeeze among students and working adults, and get really nervous when time's ticking away yet, i'm merely 3/4 there..
today's been the worse day for the week? groupings. oh its such a headache. problems arose with an odd number of 7 of us. we are simply neither here nor there? couples have to split initially, each of us were unwilling to split and join other classmates and ya dah ya dah. i guess this is the last semester and everyone just wanna stick with those they love to work with and score the best out of themselves? its nothing wrong, cos i'm one of those as well. i just couldn't take the tension just now. its just intense, weird, confused. i couldn't help but to wonder is it a wrong move of mine to bring my friend into the class? i have no idea sometimes. why didn't you guys thought about how one will feels hearing those words you said? i guess this matter will be brought up now and then, until the entire semester ended. i just have to stomach all this, isn't it?
i was so glad that i have a closest khaki with me when i needed her... she will never fails to listen to my rantings and all, laugh joke do stupid actions with me (: thankew for today girl, for koi-ing and the ever-so-yummy mini steamboat dinnerr! hope you did really study a little of accounting ^^
p.s. girl, i am still kinda reminded of that picture in the book!!!! *screams*
its soon time for me to decide my route the next step i hopes to take after graduation.. i once had a dream of going overseas to study with my fellow girlfriends. leave this stressful and fast-paced country, and fleee to the paradise land! hostels, taking a stroll under the pine trees in the park, leaning against the tree having a picnic, shoppings spree, watching teevees together, most importantly, having one another by our side :D but i know, one day, i have to wake up from this dream.
cause a dream will only last for that couple of hours. still, i treasure it ♥

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