its been a realllyy long time since i last had kit kat :)
anyways. today's been a happening day at work and a lucky trip home! cos i managed to see this cute 151 driver HA! thought will not see him anytime soon since i'm not heading sch and all and he's usually taking the morning or noon shift. either he switch his shifts or wad, but none the less, i managed to caught him on my way home after work, say YAY people :D
thats just something happy worth thinking about.
sometimes its not i choose to be bothered about such stuffs, but YOU made me so. your actions, your answers, your everything. maybe friends to be are simply the so-important type of people in my social circle. perhaps i should learn to respect your decision.
but please. dont overdo it.
i should love forward to thurs and friday instead :P
current addiction:
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