soon it'll be my turn to graduate. time pass extremely fast in poly.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

its been a realllyy long time since i last had kit kat :)
anyways. today's been a happening day at work and a lucky trip home! cos i managed to see this cute 151 driver HA! thought will not see him anytime soon since i'm not heading sch and all and he's usually taking the morning or noon shift. either he switch his shifts or wad, but none the less, i managed to caught him on my way home after work, say YAY people :D
thats just something happy worth thinking about.
sometimes its not i choose to be bothered about such stuffs, but YOU made me so. your actions, your answers, your everything. maybe friends to be are simply the so-important type of people in my social circle. perhaps i should learn to respect your decision.
but please. dont overdo it.
i should love forward to thurs and friday instead :P
current addiction:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010

was home early from work. headed to a law firm in raffles place area, and had to say dad your sense of direction is fabulous! he's the one that teach me how to walk to the bus stop i wanted over a phone LOL. and being sweet, i bought some snacks back for them as supper (:
supposedly to be happie since i can rest home early and you know especially when i'm coughing like hell. but a call changed everything. he called me. somehow was waiting so long for it, yet i have ten thousand words in my mouth i dont know what to say besides just simply answering his questions. mixed feelings yeah?
as i said, exchanged a few words and *kiap* hanged up. i have really no idea but i cried. i guess i will nvr find the answers behind it. have you love me for who i am before? have you ever worry about me?
somehow sometimes i wish you hate me. at least i know hate originates from love.
i tried to be mean and dont bother about you, but why do i always soften my heart my somehow. perhaps when i say i dont love you, i'm just deceiving myself. you might have forget those little pieces of memories, but its those that piece up my life.
i wish you'll call more often :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
shopping time! when my next pay comes in, portion of it will go to some fabulous findings LOL.

isnt this gorgeous?! LOLL! according to my mommy, i shall heels often HA! cos it make girls look petite :D
maybe some of you may think i changed, yes i did. i changed to become a better girl :) more lady like and willing to spend time to dress up! thats our privilege isnt it?
if you dont now, when you gonna learn to dress up? when you're old and haggard?no way man! so wear whatever you like now before your assets becomes a liability!
this leaves down to a word: SHOPPING!

if only we can rewind our lives. which part of yours you wanna head back?
for me.. it will definitely be my childhood times. during our primary sch and early secondary days :) life so much simpler and people are not that complexed. i miss the times when we say "dont friend you liao la!" haha its so childish yet something i miss.
coming to think of it, we could even get angry over one another with trival matters such as dont lend you eraser, pencil, rocking of chairs, etc. all the time after few days, we will patch up though. thats how pure our friendship at that time was. and i believe those were the friendships that last the longest. at least thats it for me :D
clarke quay for the night!
watami - price reasonable and comfortable ambience with tasty food!
yello jello - so much nicer and cosier than being in a club. drinks were better as those i drank before. and songs are nice!
moreover i met a ultra nice taxi uncle which accepted 10bucks for a 12.20 bill! thanks!
current addiction:
Monday, May 17, 2010

this shall be my next challenge :) rainbow cakie!
oh here's a little incident that stunned me for the entire morning today.
as you guys know, this morning was raining, so weather kinda chilly. bought a hot soya bean milk as usual head back to my desk and settled down with only my colleague there. both of us early birds :) okok back to the topic. the thing is after i switched on my laptop. then this guy from the beside row came into our row which is pretty normal lah since its office ppl come in and out. guess what. he walked to my desk, pass me a drink and say 给你喝的 with a smile on his face。then before i could even react, he turned and walked off.
something kinda struck my mind, u play angel and mortal game with me? i dont even know you, not even your name =.=" this is scary.
whatever. russell been laughing at it whole morning. thanks man.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
was exploring some blogs and found this pretty interesting:
guys drink to forget girls, but girls drink to think about about guys
when guys are in love, they became poor.
when girls are in love, they became pretty.
guys can forget, but cant forgive.
girls can forgive but will never forget.
when guys are heart broken, they tend to forget the girl by going out with another girl.
when girls are heart broken, they try to find his characteristics in another guy.
guys wishes to be the girls first love,
but the girls wishes to be his last :)
current addiction:
Saturday, May 15, 2010

had a great time blowing my hair at gym today! the hu-hu there is superb! was bugging daddy whether i could get similar ones back home :( but failed so i shall turn towards mommy hee!
yupp as stated above, headed gym and spa with daddy back at club (: the club facilities really nice. should have followed him long ago~~ and i'm loving the igallop there!!! its like wow! help to shape my butt HAHAHAHA.
oh did i say i accidentally went into someone's bathroom. cos the glass door for every shower room has no lock so i didnt know :X so sorry! LOL.
its really nice to be in your own club. got the homely and cosy feel ^^ thanks dad!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
life's full of irony.
for once you thought you have the most blissful and happiest family.
but the next moment, you've realised you lost it all.
cheers my friend. this period is indeed difficult to been through, but i believe you aint the only one fighting this alone. you have your relatives and friends :)
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Monday, May 03, 2010
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010

its labour dayyyyyyyy! did any free labour today?
well. i did. i WALKED while shopping hee. counted right? supposedly was a clique outing cum peopyes day! but due to several reasons, ended up with dar and i. had to emphasize - I AM EARLY cos she overslept. wow. miracle heh.
having a nets card with you its never good. cos you know there's no limit to what you are spending. and temptation always draws you.
if your english is good, i suggest pls do not read the following:
first we met at ferangoon, off we head to 313 and supposedly far east. started off with a buddy meal with my buddy pheglm LOL! it gave us energy to shop there after! HEE :D
saw this cream ribbon heels there. omg. its damm nice [why do i say this again] =.= but oh well. no point getting it, even if its love at first sight! this time we made an improvement, we walked from 313 to wisma. so i guess our next orchard spreee will be far east!
on the way home. was supposed to tell her "hey. i gotta go joke on monday lehh." when i meant job not joke =.=" and someone laughed non stop. its not funny kay!
bargains for the day:
-dorothy perkins skinnys!
- uniqlo tank top!
oh. apparently, we bought identical top and skinnys and ate the same meals. as i said its a bargain. so now we're TWINS. [roar in laughter]
ha! perhaps we both has got 'pronunciation' problems, thats why we made a great pair ^^
weird guy, stop lurking around the area before you have a taste of my powerrrr!
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