was on the phone with dar yesterday and she was telling me abt this interesting fact her friend told her.. now i found the full version! HERE IT IS :D some quite funny and true LOL for both of us haha. how about you? mine's blood A ^__^

good friday was indeed GOOD FRIDAY :D cos had a shopping spree especially when mommy paid for my expenses! [i did tried to pay with my salary, but she insisted lor] walked from plaza sing to far east HOHO. orchard changed alot! it was so different from the last time i went. this time, heeren was properly done-up, mandarin gallery much furnished, paragon with big GUCCI here and there...
spend nearly 60+! but oh well! its worth it, looking at the whole lot we've got!
most bargains were found in far east!
- owl ring from F21 [got the silver, while dar got the gold one!] - BEST BUY!
- ivory white ribbon hairband from F21 - 313 is such a temptation!
- bangles
- demin vest
- navy pumps
- ordered a damm cute flats!!!! [only on display when we saw it, they say will come stock 2 wks time]
- daiso cookie cutter
- marks & spencer dark choco digestive cookies!
did i tell you, we tried the [oops i forgot the shop name] curry chicken bits and B.B.F :D had a great time chit chatting and all. ohoh! we ate 2 outrageous sundaes in swensens for FREE. first time bill came flashed $0.00 LOL!
i had lots of fun. did you?! shopping is always a wonderful experience with your girlfriends :)
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