Saturday, March 27, 2010

daddy's back home :D anyone interested in fruit buffet? HAHA venue: MY HOME!
$10 per entry - eat all you can. most importantly: BEING HEALTHY is the keyword.

pretty tired of fruits. there's like 10 baskets in my house. helppp. i found my new fetish for flowers! a whole lot of them in my house now :) thats rather sweet.

a big thank you to my uncle's family especially! they been coming every single day to take care my daddy. cousins came my house take care of me, bought grocery, etc. even bought those veggie, fish, meat that suits him. our whole family diet has to change a little. everything just going healthy healthy and healthy. ohoh! something shocking HA! the whole hospital bill turned out to be $22,000. *jaws dropped* thats wad you got to pay for a private and comfortable hotel-liked hospital :D

those that came and send your regards - thanks too! for staying by me this crucial period. its tough, but i managed through.

yayee! daddy god answers prayers. thanks dar for praying with me :) your apple and kiwi and your presence HOHO! though super talkative, but me loveee!

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