Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010

daddy's back home :D anyone interested in fruit buffet? HAHA venue: MY HOME!
$10 per entry - eat all you can. most importantly: BEING HEALTHY is the keyword.
pretty tired of fruits. there's like 10 baskets in my house. helppp. i found my new fetish for flowers! a whole lot of them in my house now :) thats rather sweet.
a big thank you to my uncle's family especially! they been coming every single day to take care my daddy. cousins came my house take care of me, bought grocery, etc. even bought those veggie, fish, meat that suits him. our whole family diet has to change a little. everything just going healthy healthy and healthy. ohoh! something shocking HA! the whole hospital bill turned out to be $22,000. *jaws dropped* thats wad you got to pay for a private and comfortable hotel-liked hospital :D
those that came and send your regards - thanks too! for staying by me this crucial period. its tough, but i managed through.
yayee! daddy god answers prayers. thanks dar for praying with me :) your apple and kiwi and your presence HOHO! though super talkative, but me loveee!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

daddy had chest aches in the morning. i left for work, thinking it will be fine later on. it was pouring damm heavily! thanks qihui for helping me carry laptop since i have simply no hands for umbrella :( all wet. drenched.
meanwhile on the other side, mommy accompanied daddy to 24 hr clinic. and did x-ray. his artery was clogged on the right side by 80%! left side mild, 20%. too serious, uncle fetched them to hospital immediately. the clinic doc then gave my dad 1 pill to swallow so as to prevent it from clogging within next hr! its this pill that saved his life man.
did bypass laser operation. wow now everything so advance, only take 25mins LOL. in ICU for 2 days i think. if everything turns out well then head to normal ward.
received mommy call at 12pm "gal! come hospital quickly. your dad had heart attack!" off i go! told my buddy, and he rushed me to go immediately, said u can take cab, i helped u claimed. thanks man!
rushed over. everything kinda stablized. doctor's been great. he's humorous, explain the whole situation to mommy and i. nurses are friendly too. wow private hospitals really different leh! the bill was an eye opener too! but oh well. this kind of money cant be saved. 1 operation cost $10,000.. ICU one day $480, private nurse to care for $95... deposit before able to hospitalized $3,000...
rested in the holding area.. slept a little. ipod-ed a little. dad's colleagues and boss came. entertained a little. was dad's handphone receptionist for the next few days.
i really miss the times he was at home.
i was so afraid that i haven said the things i wanna tell him.
i was worried that the same old thing will happened again.
it was at that moment, i realised i love my dad deeply.
will you let me hold your hand again?
this time, i'll hold it tightly.
it was at such moments that i know my relatives are that nice :) this is what i called blood ties.its irreplaceable, just like you and i <3
Sunday, March 21, 2010

just came back from the pl musical with wilson :) the feeling is undescribable. been a long time since i last watch such events.
yepp. its that same old feeling. miss pl. miss the good times. miss the chapel sessions. miss the songs we sing.
suddenly this song came across my mind. all pl lites will know this:
he's able *clap clap*
he's able ..
i know he's able..
i know my lord is able to carry me through..
he heal the broken heart
and make the captive free
he make the lame to walk again
and cause the blind to see
its the actions that we had a fun time together aint it <3
Saturday, March 20, 2010
yepp its the wkends again :D this week past off pretty fast. so much things have been happening at work. one word: HECTIC. attended meetings, heading to client's office, cabbing home from work, backache, carrying heavy laptop, etc. this have been such a routine for me. and i still have to last for another 5months? oh wells. lucky the people there been really nice :)
got back my results yesterday. its been pretty surprising upon receiving. its my best so far. and i ought to be happie. and i really was. until when i got not much compliment from my parents, except more expections and hope... ntu ntu ntu. uni uni uni. that's the stress and pressure i have. why do parents always have high expections for us? why are we always unable to attain them? when we score the best of we did, they want higher? no wonder, they say nothing can ever satisfy human. 2 more semesters, i think i can last. in fact i really hope i can. sometimes i wonder, do i study all these for myself, or for my parents? the course i am in.. the school i am in.. the uni that i thought that its my dream to enter... i am lost.
biz communication B+
financial international trade B+
taxation B+
regulatory financial accounting A
cost accounting A
japanese AD
GPA: 3.7
move onto happie stuffs, somethings worth celeb for: BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION :D
so the clique was already in swensens when qihui and i off from meeting! yeshhh its damm late, meeting lasted for nearly 2 hrs or over? LOL. settled our dinner there and here come the ice cream cake for sisheng and qihui! the relightable candles have been quite a joy as well HA! walked over to istana park to catch up [omg i thought of wilson ketchup joke]
as the clock strikes 11pm.. mostly left, leaving zhiyong, jonathan, lingying and i. its been a really long while since i can stay out so late. cabbed home ard 2 hrs later. was able to extend curfew to 1am. lucky me.
so tired that i fall flat on my bed :D and i'm so looking forward to our next fortnight meeting peeps!

i miss the peppermint milk shake!

the speghetti is damm spicy!

wilson AMAZED at the big serving i'm taking :D
got back my results yesterday. its been pretty surprising upon receiving. its my best so far. and i ought to be happie. and i really was. until when i got not much compliment from my parents, except more expections and hope... ntu ntu ntu. uni uni uni. that's the stress and pressure i have. why do parents always have high expections for us? why are we always unable to attain them? when we score the best of we did, they want higher? no wonder, they say nothing can ever satisfy human. 2 more semesters, i think i can last. in fact i really hope i can. sometimes i wonder, do i study all these for myself, or for my parents? the course i am in.. the school i am in.. the uni that i thought that its my dream to enter... i am lost.
biz communication B+
financial international trade B+
taxation B+
regulatory financial accounting A
cost accounting A
japanese AD
GPA: 3.7
move onto happie stuffs, somethings worth celeb for: BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION :D
so the clique was already in swensens when qihui and i off from meeting! yeshhh its damm late, meeting lasted for nearly 2 hrs or over? LOL. settled our dinner there and here come the ice cream cake for sisheng and qihui! the relightable candles have been quite a joy as well HA! walked over to istana park to catch up [omg i thought of wilson ketchup joke]
as the clock strikes 11pm.. mostly left, leaving zhiyong, jonathan, lingying and i. its been a really long while since i can stay out so late. cabbed home ard 2 hrs later. was able to extend curfew to 1am. lucky me.
so tired that i fall flat on my bed :D and i'm so looking forward to our next fortnight meeting peeps!

i miss the peppermint milk shake!

the speghetti is damm spicy!

wilson AMAZED at the big serving i'm taking :D
present: tunnel effect camera with 2 films HOHO!
present: arsenal jersey with cartoon character
4 hrs later i'm heading back to pl for a musical that wilson pulled me along~
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010

this week has been a happening one for me. internship gone pretty well. one word - hectic. rarely return to office only twice have been heading to client office. one pretty good thing is get to cab home everyday after work which is reimburse by company :)
ask me do i like my job? i wont say a direct no, but i dont like it as much as others.
headed to IT fair. saw the camera i wanted, yet had to leave the place emptyhanded. no money. everything's on budget. have the capital, couldnt bear to spend it. aww. that day was definitely filled with surprises!
a little catch up session here and there with my sec sku clique is always the best :D perhaps its the close ties we have for each other. we can even think what is on each other's mind. thats best friends isnt it? ohoh. so quite a few classmates ard in open house! hoho.
its such harder to harder to get in. ntu, fly fly fly. somehow i wanna switch to psychology which i always wanted. but why parents nvr wanted to let me learn something that i like? why must they run my life as if its theirs? is the salary in the future that important? money really that important? oh well. its the same thing that have been going on for years. i lost everytime.
if only you said you believe in me. i just need that from you. but it was never once told to me. perhaps i have disappoint you over and over again. i couldnt achieve that target you want me to reach. i tried my best, or maybe i hadnt tried hard enough.
but all these, do you know?
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Friday, March 05, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
farewell dinner @ soup spoon
before this headed with qihui to ikea! omg i falling in love with the furnishings there! i already haf in mind how i should renovate my room people! so excitedddddd ...
listening to wilson &zhiyong working experiences...
here's one for you too :)
haf a safe trip sharon!!!! internship starting real soon. in a blink of eye and here comes year 3! had an agreement: meeting every fri fortnightly :) hope this stays *crossed fingers*
Monday, March 01, 2010
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