dearest mommy!
though i did alot of things to make you angry, worry, disappointed along the 18 yrs, i know deep down in your heart, you still love me. its your love for me that made me persevere on and strive harder to cross every hurdle in my life. i was glad that you trying to let me go as i grown up slowly. yes i know i complained alot that its not enough and stuff, but i appreciate every little act you did for me.
even for shanghai trip, i know you refuse to let me go in the beginning cos you worry about me. since young i have nvr leave your protected zone, and all along you kept me safe and closely to your side which made me such a weakling and pampered girl that relys alot on you. however i should be grateful and count my blessing to have such a caring and lovable mommy.
how many of you still have your mother put you to bed and give you a goodnight hug and kiss on your forehead every night? well. for me, it happens everyday. yes i admit sometimes i do wonder why am i still behaving this way when all my friends (most) doesnt?! i really love the signs of warmth and love mommy gave to me. i am someone that requires such little actions from time to time to show that i am being loved. and with this, i am able to head off to slp every night with a smile hanging on my face. and that is a grin that nobody can give me except her.
plus do you have a mommy that shower you with lotsa of bears?! hahahah! the bears in my house is enough to open a museum which is simply my wish in the future :D ever since i was born to this world, my life revolves around teddy bears and stuffed toys. some of you may not understand wads so nice abt them, and might be a waste of money... but being the only child, they were the ones that i could talk to, cry with, smile at, hug to bed. they are my everything, for me they rank top 5 in my life (: and its simply so cool to have a mom that love bears as much as you do! [maybe mom hasnt grown up too hee]
thanks mommy for being so hip! hahahaha! such that we can share each other clothes, accessories, shoes and handbags! sometimes i really love the things she got for herself, and she more than willing to lend me all the time. shopping with mommy nvr fails to bring joy and laughter ... cos i am always able to get the stuffs that i eyed at for a long long time.. i think i am rather blessed for being able to get most of my things that is in my wishlist :D
i love my mommy just like how much she loves me! a mil thanks for satisfying all my needs.
shopped with dar after sch @ compass point for mommy's bday gift! got a heart shaped ring for mommy. wah lucky both our fingers ard the same size.. so i tried it on.. and it really fits mom! hahaha! this shows we can share rings next time :P
dar also sew a handmade tissue pack for mommy with a little msg. and she love it alot! if not wrong, dar say mom sent her a sms.. hmm some secrets going on between them heh hahaha! and hor mommy keep saying hl so guaiii =.=" oh pls. [so untrue] LOL.
hmms wonder wad did daddy got for mommy? HEEHEE!
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