DAY 2 :Dhad a group lunch with the 80 students~~ 10 course cheena cuisine LOL.
a word of caution: if you think the pictures of the dishes are yummy, pls reconsider. cos its the photo skills that is awesome, the fact is the food is gross. alot of mutton and beef i would say..

they are famous for these 2 drink!

look like bird nest hor LOL! its some egg white soup i think.

only of quality and edible noodles (:

in the restaurant toilet:

what can aneza do when her rommy is peeing LOL!

look how short is the door! its even shorter than me :P

typical girls (:
our first cab experience to gubei carrefour <3

can you spot chun hui?! LOL

these stuff could only last for 2weeks i think ..

awwww this cushion very nice to hug leh! a pity its qihui HAHA!
tmr's heading to jiejie house for niece's 5th birthday party <3>!
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