went causeway point with baka jon and dar qihui (: our main purpose there is to carry out secret mission HEEHEE. its my second time going there omg heehee and accordin to jonathan he say its the second largest mall in singapore -__- so wrong can i think its jurong point lor :P anyway caught street fighter the legend of chun-li! this is my forth movie this holiday.. whee~ super broke liao. haiz. but its holidays who cares HAHAHA. seriously need some sponsors leh LOL. had swensen for lunch omg i having swensen most of the time this wk sia! so not gg to eat for the rest of holidays but quite worth it 1 for 1 lunch treat leh :D shopped ard and bought the necessary things we buy.. did some grocery shopping in cold storage LOL jon the pro teaching us how to choose the right watermelon -.- and we had lotsa idiot stupid jokes inside HAHA.
dinner was at SOUP RESTAURANT ((: and the free flow of tea qihui drank like 5 cups?! typical singaporean.. HAHAHA

we having fun choosing dishes then jon still into his psp =.=

this thing super cool right!!! does it remind u of the olden times drama the "ZHAN" LOL
and not forgeting,
10 more hrs to the release of results :(( sadded. sure die liao lahs! pls pls i hope i pass my ffa~~~
"words should not be hurtful, use it to say i love you ..."
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