Friday, March 06, 2009

so today supposed to go to this job orientation with dar lingying :D and seriously the job sucks. LOL! say NO to jobs @ eunos HAHA its a trick :X

after crapping up reason to leave the office [omg dar both of us have great telepathy-> east coast!] we headed to amk hub for our shopping spree!!!! errrsss was suppose to grab a bite and print my photos which is like the main point HAHA. high-tea at the food court.. yummy lingying treat me fried oyster wor :P we having lotsa fun squeezing the oil onto tissue muhahahaha!!! then dessert slurp slurp! yes! shopping!!!! gals ah.. no choice everyday sure shop de :X but lingying beat me leh. she spent ard 100 bucks LOL. i onlii ard 50 bucks?

lingying achievement:
- 1 damm innocent & nice looking dress :X
- 1 pair of heels (: polka dots omg my fav!
- 1 purple pinky skirt which is on sale onli at 18 dollars, usual is like 46!!!!
- 2 earrings
- 2 dresses

manling achievement:
- 1 tank plus vest
- 1 purple pinky skirt

YES IF U ARE WONDERING :P dar and i bought the same skirt cos its just so nice and pretty!!! plus so cheap :X wheee~~~

THANKS DAR for accompanying me had a great time shopping! its been a long while since i shoppped until so shiok :D:D:D:D

oh ya! congrats serene for ur A lvl chinese results (((: and dar fannggyyy dun disappointed ok! WE STILL LOVE YOU THAT MUCH!

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