5 of us on a secret mission today ((: shall not state the purpose here..anyways headed over to baka jon house! was damm early lah, i reached 8.30am okay! half hr early. then went to buy mac breakfast for jonathan and myself heehee.. lingying join us later ard 11am.. started doing work.. until lunch time then head to jurong pt for swensen. yes i know i mention not eating it but oh wells, it cheap! had mint milkshake shared with qihui omg so super nice!!!!!!! addicted liao! lotsa jokes happened while eating even when drinking milkshake LOL.. thats how interesting my clique is <3 oh ya! we witness an accident while walking to jurong pt!!!!! and i screamed damm loud seriously.. its damm scary!!!! this van lost control of his brakes then knocked onto the lamp-post... then the bulb of the lamp fly out!!!! luckily no one walking on the pavement or else he sure die sia! then the driver also nvr injured damm lucky! but the experience is really i nvr wanna see again!!! its like nightmare for me~
played psp, audition.. having fun shouting yelling while autumn around me~~~ watched tv.. ate kfc for dinner, and jon mommy cooked salmon soup yummy! even baka jon cooked noodles for qihui LOL! nice buddy! i can trust ur cooking liaos hahahaa. cabbed home heheee thanks uncle and qihui for letting me take the cab first ((: my heart nearly dropped out when in the cab.. he driving at the speed of 100km/hr OMG! thanks jon and jon's mommy.. its been a GREAT day definitely, lotsa joy and laughter :D

UNO stacko.. screamed like siao sia~~

the guys playing lefr4dead and audition =.=

my darling! oh ya! forgot say she finally in the same class as aneza and i for jap! after like 2 whole solid semesters ((: though heard from ly and jon our jap teacher sucks.

jon extra sia LOL! but its nice :D

uncle very nice lend me macbook facebooking with huiling LOL. heehee today shoot him until poor thing :X

awwww~~ while waiting for our turns..

teckhwee <3 the one that save qihui and i from autumn licking LOL.

qihui <33

darlings with autumn!
while playing monopoly....

the camwhore princesses (:
looking forward to saturday now -> outing with besties
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