AND I WAS SUFFERING FROM ACHES all over =.=" ytd couldnt slp at all lah.. woke up in the middle of night twice.. turn left, pain, turn right, pain... dun turn -> ALSO PAIN! stand pain, sit pain, squat pain... OMG PAIN =( then mommy helped me apply oilment :D today feel much better liao..
headed to aneza house today to bai nian (: had lotsa fun eating steamboat.. admiring kitty [aneza's cat], playing risk....and and important thing to mention is that I WASNT the last one to reach =X cos i waiting for lingying at my house lo.. but since she treat me bubble tea heehee alrights, forgiven TIDA :D qihui was stuck in traffic jam LOL. nan de u late wors...
after that went over to my cousin house~~~~ wanted to go huiling house de.. but she said dun need =.= so jie asked me over.. went there played with my niece and newphew.. then zhiyong smsed that they at russell house.. so how can i not go ah gong house bai nian leh :D cabbed down after tt from cousin house LOL. anyway russell house nice layout sia (:
supposed to drop by neighbour house after tt.. but something cropped up at their side. so here''s i am blogging at home.... cabbed home from toa payoh LOL. since there's no bus to my house... wahh feel like a princess today sia.. cabbed twice =X luckily can claim LOL. and and and the uncle [a damm young one] super entertaining HEHE.
"u feeling cold? should i turn the air con lower?"
"nah its alright.."
" do u intend to take bus or alr wanted to cab home?"
"errrrrrr... cab home cos dunno wad bus can reach house"
"ohhhh.. hows ur bai nian so far?" [looking at the oranges i brought]
HAHAHA super funny lor. never met this kind of 'uncle' before when i cabbed alone. but he's really friendly (:

so yesterday while watching tv~~~ i made this (: sort of missed them these days.. and feeling lonely.. [hated the feeling of lonliness]
gonna date with books this week!
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