yuppie!!! today went jurong point for the first time in my life!!!! supposed meet them at 11.45am but due to the beauty slp tt i need i actually woke up 11am! omg! scare me lah LOL! my alarm din ring leh :( ya lo anyway reached 1 plus LOL! i alr took mrt down sia.. shopped for lotsa ppl presents and of cos we went pool after tt as usual =.=" its like wad? a routine for us HAHA. [and wilson joined us today (:]
and i received my very first xmas gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!
uncle = miss sunshine cushion <33
qihui = the packet of candies and choco <33
jonathan & pampam = the pouch and hand made super nice cardie!

choco mcflurry!!!! my dar fav :D

spade nice plastic bag wor got sth look like snowflakes <33

awww.. jonathan & qihui

jonathan tee!


dun sad leh... cheer up mr happie!

jonathan and i :D

take 2!

take 3!

the hole that we been guarding LOL!

aiyo the jonathan hor! the first and last time he wore slippers LOL!

trying to imitate the pose on the poster (: xin ku ni le qihui LOL!


yes 2 dollar per game! so in order not to spend too much money, we guard every ball to prevent it from rolling down the hole :D arent we smart!

uncle in action!!

jonathan in action!

matrix wad?! qihui and i playing a game HAHA

lighting in marina square :D

happie bday firehouse ice cream!!!
qihui lappy back liao healthily le, jonathan lappy batt also back (:
and uncle and angti lappy still going on super strong and healthy!
anyway i had a happie day today! finally finish wrapping the presents tired.
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