expo was so damm crowded lah, happily wanted to buy cheap stuff from john little, but it was so packed at the queue counter cashier whereby u queuing the whole perimeter of the hall =.= OMG! so i gave up din purchase anything tsk.
SITEX was crowded too! but uncle wanted to buy lotsa stuff, so being nice friends we accompany him ((: had lotsa jokes in between, example the QUEUE joke HAHA, and the trojen horse MEHHHH :D
most importantly, i managed to reach airport in time to fetch my dar huiling <33 she finally safely back in singapore! whoots, gave her my warmest hug as promised when she left. and she broke her specs sia pro lor LOL!
haiz~ kena uncle curse lor, really waited for 20 mins for bus 53 -.- then nvr mind, cos i got a seat but I MISSED MY STOP! cos overslept.. then went all the way to after my sec sku bus stop then i alighted -.- so i had to walked back when its ard 11.15pm!!! there all private estate lah, so quiet and dark and creepy :( tskkkkkk scaryyyyy.. alright alright, PHOTOS TIME!

using uncle mac book yay!!!!

qihui and me :D

comics version LOL!

kopitiam wahahahahah :D
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