ok, toking abt hl, so ya went with jess to her guitar concert:P i had to say the last few items were marvellous!!!! haha the electric guitar was damm cool sia. anyway ya, support hl there LOLL we bought her a pink shit instead of a pink rose! cos she more suited for that oops! HAHA so ya during her performance we shouted " GO HUILING!" and she managed to hear it YAY. we were like watching movie through-out la, cos jess bought a packet of cookies then we were eating HAHA. hungry la, thanks to dear jess who say she know how to walk fm mrt to sajc, then in the end went to ask ard la. LOLL also saw hl eye candy :D then hl mom fetched us home THANK YOU AUNTY!
ok lastly diane questions :
1)At what age do you wish to marry?
26? dunno leh.
2)What you want the most now?
3)Who is the person you trust the most?
family :D
4)Do you think you have enough confidence?
confidence for?
5)If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to have an exciting life in NP =D
6)Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
YES YES YES! hl showed me beofre tt day!
7)add in a personal qn..
8)Do you believe in eternal love?
hmmm. mayb?!
9)if you're allowed to change a thing, just 1 thing in your life, what would it be?
i wanna to haf an elder brother :D
10)What feeling do you love the most?
feelin of receiving compliments and encouragement from friends expecially my loved ones :D
11)What do you most fear?
12)What feeling do you hate the most?
the feeling of people lying to me ):
13)Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
yes i do! friends bring me lotsa joy in life =)
14) Do you believe in love at first sight?
15)What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
family and friends :))
16)Who do you hope to be always there for you?
family and friends!!!!!! they are the ones who will love me most ma.
17) Who are your best friends?
HEY GUYS! u know who u are *muacks*
18)Who cares for you the most?
grandparents, daddy, mommy, cousins
19)Which date you like the most?
4 OCT!!!!!! its my birthday ma :D
20) How are you feeling right now?
i feeling tired sia...

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