yepp!!! was the interview! sat cab there. and was 15 mins early phew cos we took abt 5 mins to hail a cab since its raining....
my timeslot is 3.30pm, then at that time got 3 students 2 gals one guy (inclu. me) interviewing for accountancy lo. so photocopy osme documents, then after waited awhile. 3.30 sharp, being called into the room....
thought would be one with the interviewers kind. who knows its like 3 of us went in together. quite nice la like that. then not that worried and scared ma... before that, i was already chatting along with the gal HAHA. she's stefanny (interesting right? as in the way she spell her name) she's form indonesia....and she's very nice... outgoing...
answered those questions lo.... 3 interviewers -- one guy 2 ladies.
- why u choose accounting?
- why u put ngee ann as ur first choice?
-ur hobbies?
- CCA?
- besides able to contribute SP via ur musical talents, would u like to try something new ?
the interview is like 15 mins like that... then cos someone gotta start toking first ma... HAHA, so stefanny and i were like eyeing at the guy hoping he will start first... so one of the interviewers said " gentlemen first .." LOLL
ytd got abt 12 ppl went for interview at that timeslot. but onli 3 acocuntancy. the rest all guys and all applying for engineering.
and guess wad, stefanny also got a call frm ngee ann!!!! but her interview was 31 july, mine was 30 july. hmmm... all the best stefanny =D well, when we came out of the room, we started saying abt the thing lor. then after that exchange phone numbers (:
i gained a new experience and most importantly, a new friend as well!!!!!!!!!!! whooo... stefanny nice knowing you =D
and of course not forgetting..... my 2 dearie buddies ----- lingying and huiling [big enuff?]
thanks for accompanying me there... and cheer me on even though today there's hcl test. MILLION THANKS.
lingying pon literature lor! cos ms loh went with harp gals, so we doing nothing jus slacking in harp room lor. then ly came to join us... she's like listening to music.. and i m reading urban LOLL
hcl test today was terrible HAHA. HAIZ.
after sku, we got dance prac for teacher's day aud. seriously, i am simply a dance idiot la HAHA. cos i jus cant follow the moves and etc. the music too fast le la.... LOL but i will try my best. luckily i standing at the last row.
heard that ly class doing a skit. then ethel acting as a prefect heehee... abit unbelievable lor. then ly acting as pai kia -- this suits her perfectly well, since she's sort of already one lol.. shhhh....
going hwa chong to support our pl debaters (: jia you! jess n ly also coming....YAY its been a long time since i watched a 'live' debate lor.
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