its great i think! cos debra n i din play any wrong notes HAHA. though its like all teachers there.. its this music connection for teachers from all skus in singapore..
we waited for a LONG LONG time at the backstage la. cos this speaker b4 us supposed to speak for 5mins, then end up speaking for 20 mins..... LOLL. so all pushed back lo. was playing ard with ly, hl n deb during waiting. debra's handphone super cool!!!!!!! i like it leh.
so.... well, its all over....... O-V-E-R. OVER!
plaza sing:
went wif joyce n ly there. actually our plan was to go straight after dismissed fm handbell, but well, we decided to go back to change.. anw, my home so near sku.
so met at kovan mrt lo. ly went joyce's house to touch-up her makeup... (she's hopeless)
our main purpose actually is to get the HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! LOLL. joyce gonna buy it, then lend me after she finished. HOORAY!
so being a very nice fren, i accompany her there lo. as for asking ly to join us, HAIZ its a wrong wrong choice man. cos shes............... all i can say is haiz haiz haiz
-on loud music in public places
-laugh super LOUDLY
-say "wahlao", "mai lame la", etc. LOUDLY in public. and not once okie, its like .... uncountable
- doing funny actions to poor joyce n i
- keep taking photos on mrt --- self-obssessed, and force me to take wif her.
- she hate kids, start saying how yucking they r.
something funny is that joyce n i walked far far away form her. HAHA. so pretend not our fren LOL
we also pang-seh her twice..... we were wlaking behind her ma... then after that ran away back to the entrance... heehee... and end up twice when she claled joyce asking where were we, we were at 7-11 la. so qiao.....
then when on the way back, pass-by PC BUNK. i tell u lor. joyce n i hated that place!!!!!!! its like so.... er..... not for us type de. its jus not us la. dun like the environment there. ly was practically going there to c whether got maple username she know de not..... or finding someone la.
also, joyce n i dun like the arcade thingy in ps lor. practically we dun like arcade la. its so noisy and makes us headache.... plus the things inside so violent aiyo... i prefer the other side of the arcade lo, the one can hook bears n teddies de LOL. more suitable for both of us. ly lor, drag us to the noisy part of arcade. its like damm noisy la. rahhhh.... we cant wait to get out of there. mayb lingying went there to see XY chromosomes de hor. HAHA.
high tea @ secret recipe:
we feel like we r like osme tai-tai like that, go eat high tea LOL. i onli drank this chocolate milkshake thingy. its very nice!!!!!! ly ordered this raspberry sparkling water (and she thought its alcohol) ,tiramisu, chocolate banana all very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! yummy. a veyr nice place to eat high tea n read HP book at the same time HAHA. joyce was busy sms-ing n reading her book, and of course grabbing some of ly's cake.

chocolate milkshake <3

raspberry sparkling water (:

HAIZ, where's my innocent lingying???? i miss that lingying! i want the old ly to be back =D i believe joyce, huiling, ethel n jess agree with me too.
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