today went to collect my cert frm teacher. as seen from above heehee, i failed one section instrumental questions. din really memorise ma...
shocking thing is the composing!!!!! 13/15..... hmmm. i thought i would fail this sect. cos its my weakest during practice. quite happy!!!!
tampines mall:
bought a white heels haha. hl managed to get her black heels! its really nice, cos both of us got good taste ma *winks*
ate chicken cutlet noodles! its supposed to be delicious lor. but abit too salty liao. haiz...
went heartland mall thai express to redeem my FREE thai ice tea! first time we drank, it taste abit weird. then the more we drink, the nicer it taste HAHA.
okie, now i got library bk goona due soon on tues! and mon my lesson end at 4.40pm so most prob cannot go return. then tues got full dress rehearsal rahhhhhh. DIE DIE DIE. HOW HOW HOW??????
hmmm. mayb i shud go tmr hor? but tmr my last day of holiday leh, shud enjoy de ma.i know, mayb i shud go marine parade lib since its been awhile i went there. SOBS SOBS SOBS >.<
nightmare approaching soon.... can i choose to have sweet dreams instead??? wahaha LOL.
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