february's been a really joyous month! filled with friends 21st and many many activities!
fab feb - our yearly affair! this time with three new members: our boyfriends and hannah :)

munching all along with this yummy snack!
猜猜我是谁..... my wayang boyf! HAHA! thank you darling for helping me out the whole day!
cutie pie! miss you!
jonathan with willy!

the chiobu's! :D
to those who make an effort to come for this yearly gathering - BIG THANK YOU! HUGS MUCH. for those who gave it a miss with valid reasons - you are forgiven! haha but catch up soon i miss u! (especially serene 姐姐 and fangfang 妹妹 ) HAHAHA!
18 feb - twinnies 21st @ bukit panjang park BBQ!

happy birthday twins!
19 feb - farewel to stefanny!!!!! :(
i'm missing you but happy with your unexpected call :D
one happy family (if you get what i mean)
thankew russ for the rides and udders ^^
21 feb - kaixian's birthday!
so pretty cupcakes!
23 feb - underway cocktail party @ changi naval base
its really an eye opener visiting the mess centre! seeing the vessels and beautiful scenery that wilson usually talks about (though i miss the sunset) at this point of time, wilson must be out on the sea haha! thanks for the invitation, i'm sure bff and i had lots fun! and its that night that i learnt those are not helicopters but satellites O-M-G.
take care buddy!
25 feb - rsm meetup!