today's my first paper!!!! and not forgetting its indeed a first time for everything: [info overload ahead]
-first hand experience of daddy's car "exploded" due to major oil leaked, smoke coming out from 2 sides of the car, the front lid flip opened, causing the a jam @ the u-turn area oppo my school just 30min before my exam.
- first time crossing the road at such a junction! where cars are just oncoming everywhere from all directions.
- first time hopping onto russell's car! thanks for the ride boy! kind of save me from the frantic and walking up the "hill" to school. ♥
- first time had such an eventful morning!
but all these first times taught me alot. i admit i was damm panic and shocked stunned when everything happened. was glad that daddy remained calm to handle everything. wanted to stay there with him cause kinda worry :/ but exams gonna start at the same time. i was forced to make a decision - in fact i really have to go. so yupp kinda ditched him there.. and he's the MAN haha that really stop the cars just so that i can alight safely from my seat and cross the road. its terrifying, but i know he's there for me (:
what touches my heart was daddy phoned me 15min later and again after my exam just to ensure i arrived safely in school and everything's alright at my side. he's so cute that he keep asking me did the event in the morning scared me. he apologised though. but still... of course it did!!!!! omg. still cannot help but traumatised by it.
and that leads to my parents arguing about changing to a new car -.-" i vote for a change!!!!! srsly. but you guys gotta know being brought up in a accountant background family is not easy. cause everything they think about that from an accountant's perspective! BOO. as the car still has 2 years depreciation left, daddy wanna make fully use of it zzz. but harlo, you gotta think the extra expenses you fork out to maintain it! perhaps i should prepare a cost budget HAHA.
on a side note, i got a new folder in my lappy and phone: TUMBLRS LOVES! here's the collection for today!

grab one!!!!
ok back to studying for my second paper - AUDIT ewwww. *pui*