my most happening week is over! its really happening with birthday celebrations here and there, gotten my first roller coaster ride up there in uss, crashing into a lamp-post while driving, caught the first fireworks (in a way) with boyf :D
let's start with the actual day - 4 oct!
since its a tues = audit class argh... sians~ but had to drag myself out no matter what. then had an impromptu lunch with bff. settled down in brozeit (and we kinda crack the wireless password in that shop!)
the cream of veggie soup was ok... (taste a little like curry) and the pizza was so hard to consume! bad choice... we both had a hard time swallowing and finishing the food.. then we went around window shopping.. proud to say i went in h&m for the third time without getting anything ^^

into the night... celebrated with family with the green tea cake mommy bought from icing room.
[pardon us all in our home clothes]
the next day - 5 oct *excited* the day we stepped our foot into USS! and came out with a shagged body, jelly legs and bruises all over -.-"
we were practically running here and there like mad chasing aft those celebrities to take photos with.. ohhhh and i took a pic with GLORIAAAA and the penguins and kungfu panda! there were so uber cute and cuddly....
and i swear that i'm not gonna take any roller coaster rides in the near future... the human vs cyclon ride really puts me off till now... i still totally can feel the uneasy feeling of myself flying out of my seat when the roller coaster goes down all the way in high speed. (i wonder how can someone have the courage to commit suicide LOL! so freaking scary)
thankyou babe! its a fun fun day out! heart-felt words are left in the sms i sent you :)
7 oct - the day i crashed into a lamp-post while onto my 22nd lesson of driving! long long story, but oh wells. shall be forgotten soon, and i hope i can overcome the fear... nonetheless, its my sotong fang bday!!! girl, now you're as old as me!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHA! this yr bday might not be that grand for you, but i hope you'll stay strong and know that you're alw not alone in those unfortunate situations. you have us :) cheers to our sotong-ship! and IMY! :D HAPPIE BIRTHDAY!
8 oct was another eventful day with wilson's pop in the morning, meeting lots of familiar faces in the parade and belated celebration with boyf ♥
proud to be able to attend wilson's pop! its great seeing how he has really enjoyed his days in ns, forging lots die-hard buddies! and a shock that one of them actually was my kindergarten friend (turned out to be just a joke -.-) once again, grats to all my friends who pop yesterday!!!
celebration with boyf was great! caught friends with benefits and then dinner at modestos serving traditional italian food! oh wells, the appetizer was yummy, but the pasta was simply so-so.... :/ oh wells, what matters was the company i had with right? :D
now becko has a new best friend! so uber kawaii melody with the iphone case! now i'm looking forward to get my iphone white! :D thanks dear for everything (not just yesterday, but rather all the time spent so far since day 1) though there are times where we 'quarrelled' now and then, i'm glad it brings us closer all the time. and remember the promise you've made! ILY! :) - i know you'll be reading this.