Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010
Whether today you are sad or happy, confused or certain, in love or still searching; remember that everything going on in your head is okay. Do not be ashamed of your thoughts, but rather be ashamed of running from them. Life is meant to throw these things our way because they help us to grow. If we are avoiding our feelings with whatever form of escapism we choose, the lessons and growth are lost. Learn something about yourself from every experience. Take something away from every moment you think that no one else could possibly be feeling the way that you do. In reality, it is these very struggles and feelings that connect us together.
i love tumblr for having such inspiring stuff online :D
this week has been a pretty busy one for me, spend lotsa mon-neh. boo. but hanging out with friends been awesome!
the pics shall sum up all for the two parties on 22 and 23 sept (:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
若這天氣難晴朗 來在雨聲中高唱
你我似海中木船 也會有高低跌蕩
每個波折仍捱過 誰在暗中保守我
大慨得失總有天意 氣候也有幻變時
曾承受了人生的驟雨 方知太陽溫暖
大慨一天總會開竅 勝負也淡淡一笑
我不需要自憐 其實幸福早已遇見
聽見半空的悶雷 也會怕得不去睡
暴雨天慶幸能夠 藏在我小小家里
你我似海中木船 也會有高低跌蕩
每個波折仍捱過 誰在暗中保守我
大慨得失總有天意 氣候也有幻變時
曾承受了人生的驟雨 方知太陽溫暖
大慨一天總會開竅 勝負也淡淡一笑
我不需要自憐 其實幸福早已遇見
大慨一生總有失意 世事也有幻變時
承受了人生的驟雨 方知太陽溫暖
大慨一天總會開竅 勝負也淡淡一笑
我怎可以自憐 從來運氣沒有缺少
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
next eggcitement up: F1 race on 25 sept!
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
fang! see lar, we all funny faces lehh.