a random thought to post such a topic : rules in the house :)
so do you guys have any house rules set by your parents since young? there's couple of mine.
1) no staying overnight out without proper reasons (acceptable reasons are countdown, best friends house, holidays) and must be notified in advance
2) no staying out late after 11pm. (currently extended to 12am on fridays)
3) no food to be consumed in rooms.
4) breakfast, lunch and dinner must be eaten together as a family and in the dining room. only supper is allowed to be consumed while watching tv.
5) no chatting over the phone and usage of laptops after 12am.
6) no overseas holiday if didnt achieve good results in studies or meet their expectations.
7) must pick up their calls when out, never had more than 3missed calls. smses to let them know your location will be fine too if you happened to be in a movie.
these are some that i can think of currently. i bet there're simply more hahas. despite the fact some rules are really (*&^%$# still, i know they love me as much as i do. who aint angry with their own parents for such lame rules yet all the time, we kinda patch up and love them as always ~~ thats how stubborn us kids are. refuse to admit defeat and say sorry to them, but all the time we will make up through our little actions.
now the more i know they were the ones that will nvr give up on me and stop loving me. hence the more i should make them proud and achieve their hopes on me. if they can be happie and proud of their daughter, why not? so what if i'm not living my life for myself. at least i live, just for their sake. and because of their existence, i have the determination to move on and strive further.
i broken too many promises, i know. but daddy mommy, dont worry, i wont break the pact i made with you.
HAPPIE DADDY DAY! you know i'm still the little gal that will stay by your side. though this yr i almost lost you, thanks for being alive and make our family closer and stronger :) you know for sure, you're the awesome dad and I LOVE YOU.
have you heard that daughters are daddy's last life girlfriends? hahas. if thats the case, i'm so glad that this life i will be able to love him more and take care of him forever.