Thursday, February 25, 2010
i had a sudden of fear this morning. the moment when everything in front of me turned pitch dark. i was so worried, so scared that i will die. [okay maybe this seems exaggerating, but i was really afraid]

mom wasnt there for me. dad went off to work. i was all alone in the toilet when everything happened so quickly. and when i realised i was already lying on the floor. i have no idea how long i was unconscious. i simply fainted. and fall right smack to the floor. leaving behind scars everywhere. looks like kena abused nw zz.
forehead with big bruise.. along with bruise on left side and mini scratches. asked me where i hit? i have no idea. unconscious. daddy joke, first thing ask me "omg u still rmb ur exam stuff later?" amazingly i did :D
at that moment, something flash through my mind. its her again. cos i know if she was here, she will help me up. afterall, i hadnt forget her at all.
she live in my heart, always.
some overdue photos:

happie birthday chun hui!!! :)
tmr gonna be a fun night out! and sat merry party!
p.s. HEY WALL! if u are reading this, its time to upload the photos! cny's over soonnnn. omg u are taking way too long. HAHAHAHA. mine turn to join u for hols ;)
Saturday, February 20, 2010

photo credits:
when's the last time you smile so sweetly? have you lost this smile of yours?
i wish i could find this back.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

just a random thought. why do we have so many things we wanna do, yet no time nor courage to complete it?
there's so many things i wanna tell her, yet i cant bring myself to say it out.
there's plenty of incidents abt my life i wanna let him know too, yet when i see him, nothing comes out of my mouth.
do i really have to wait for the moment that they leave me totally, and then regret? i always wanted to make even just a phone call over. no courage.
wanted to give parents just a little hug, end up they gave me theirs.
wanted to do little gifts for friends on their special days, nothing was done.
wanted to send a little encouraging note, yet i forgot.
have you ever found this gift somewhere in your house, that you wanted to pick it up, yet it bring lots painful memories?
have you ever cried badly to a song, yet you still listen again and again?
have you always wanted to phone a number, yet you have no courage to press them?
have you wanted to do something for someone, but something held you back?
i have.
was i even anyone's sunshine ever? feel such a weakling.
current addiction: chase - thats his name. and red dates :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
oh well. hows your lunar new yr?
cny day 1 thought gonna be rather slacked since shifting the visit to ah ma house to day 2. so only have to make a trip to ah gong house. BUT so wrong. cos ppl start streaming into my house in the afternoon. daddy side elder bro's family came first. i would say its the first time this yr that their whole family came all the way to our house to bai nian. HAPPIE. this yr in fact bring both our families much closer because of this incident. though its not something worth remembering, if it could draw us closer, why not?
sis even brought my bday gift last yr HOHO :) she gave me this shirt in PINK cos its her fav colour =.= and 2 necklaces from citigems! thanks love. one of the necklace is snowflakez. i didnt tell her before, wonder how she know. dun tell me she read my blog?! omgomg.
when they were about to leave, huiling phoned me. "hey! u home now? can i come bai nian?" WHY NOT! hahas. so yupp she came over stayed for rather long, took pictures [hl send me lah u slow poke] chit chatted with parents, slack in my room, eat goodies, etc. she should haf stayed for dinner :( hahah she happened to see my fourth auntie's family as well. one extra angpow HA. joke joke. so ya night time was the longest and slowest to go through. cos they played mahjong... then i was so bored that i had to talk on the phone and switch between the channels on cable.
no celeb on vday. sad? HAHA nope :) vday doesnt mean a special day for me anyway. some other days more memorable!
but still. those singles: find your fated half soon! couples: stay sweet and blissful all seasons round :)
cny day 2
woke up late. took a long time to dress up. find heels. OK TIME TO SET OFF.
first stop: daddy teacher house cum gathering with his classmates
[this is when ppl start asking you "you got boyf?" "hows your studies?" "intending to study uni?" i was the youngest there. LOL. cos dad's friend sons alr in university. and only daughter there HAHA. the rest all guys so they talked abt engineering, mechanical,computer,omg so god damm boring. anyways, thats the start of the topic when they asked one of them hey! uni right, got girlf right. and he admitted HAHA so guai right joke. and all the bullets start shooting.]
second stop: daddy's elder bro house [their new house so cosy]
[love the lamps and deco in their house. hah we were comparing since they came over ytd]
third stop: daddy's cousin house
fourth stop: ah ma house
[i dunno wad to say for this. its a pretty long story.i just have mixed feelings there. i almost cried there, maybe too emotional.anyways, i would say its really depressed when someone forgets you, even when she isnt close to you and seeing her in such 'torture', dragging her life on when she isnt in her clear state of mind is seriously saddening]
fifth stop: singapore pool LOL [heard today TOTO alot of money so parents went to buy]
home sweet home thereafter, and awaits the arrival of niece and nephew.
daddy, our family one and only driver :)
smile. its new yr :)
cny round 3 tmr!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
been helping out last min shopping, cleaning, mopping, vacuuming, preparing reunion dinner, etc. so there's like major changes everywhere in my house! the orientation of everything HAAH. and newly deco up too and more and overload goodies! awww. i gonna grown 1 size bigger i guess.
here's a sneak peak of the changes: [if you come my house before, you'll notice the changes!]

my dining room now! the table used to be placed horizontal :)
after a long night and countdown.
yuppie, so peeps! enjoy ur cny and study hard! happie valentines too! those with the other half, stay sweet and blissful! those who still finding for the fated one, ALL THE BEST :D
happie birthday russell, i din forget you heh ;)
cny day 1:
-visit ah gong house
- daddy side cousins coming visiting
cny day 2:
- visit ah ma house
- daddy teachers house
- relatives house
- ppl coming over i think?
cny day 3:
hmmm i not sure. stay home study!
hahas. i just haf to stay home wait relatives come my house de. i dun haf the habit of going relatives house though my parents youngest HAHA. cos its been tradition that they make a trip down :) lucky heh. then i can shake leg at home ^^
Saturday, February 13, 2010

oh man. time's travelling way too fast! i am so not prepared for everything. be it new yr, exams, vday gifts, bday gifts, internship, etc etc.
why isnt anyone doing anything to it?! at least press the pause button. i'm shagged. tired. sleepy.
catching up with dar is one of the best moment of all times. even on phone, she never fails to cheer me up with her "u know hor, i went to the ya... then do ya lor.." HAHAHA its okay if you dun get it. cos me myself had a hard time understanding her so-called powderful language. we can really talk about everything under the sun and stars heh. so i'm her number 1 friend that gonna shake leg on cny day 1 and eating reunion dinner with merely 3 members :) thats my house tradition. shall elaborate more next time.
thanks you're loved, toe-ma-toe.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
you know what will you find as you spring clean your entire house? HAHA. i found my answer :)
managed to spring clean my house today. i did my job as part of the family ok. i'm simply so proud of my achievement - living room, balcony and my own room :D its so sparkling clean now. omg hl i thought of the korea spark-ling commercial which was few yrs back HA.
yupp partnered with daddy for the scrubbing of doors and floors. mom did her own packing of storeroom, glasswares, display windows, etc. and had to admit that staying in a 5room flat with just 3 ppl is tiring in terms of cleaning up. merely 3 pair of hands, plus parents getting up on age, so being the fittest (i doubt) ought to do changed the living room orientation! its kinda BIGGER. hoho! now there's even a wide space for ppl to dance =.=" parents say can make it into a dance floor oh crap. LOL. nvm nvm, we can lay our twister mat and play there hee. are you with me, peeps?!
the bad thing is my cable is down. seriously down. first only slight reception problem, called the customer service officer thrice, they taught us to off the main switch and on again while they refresh our cable line. and BINGO its dead now. technician had to come down tmr. wows. so thats how brilliant their knowledge of such things.
yippie,so we found lotsa new electronics and household appliances as we clean up :) 2 more rice cookers, 3 electric kettle, some toys (which i can pass down to niece and nephew), christmas tree decos LOL, cushion covers, and the list goes on. OMG. and we found out a bag of dirty bedsheets which is so last yr... hahaha, hide it too well. so we threw it away. thats wad happens when your storeroom is flooded with stuffs. cos our family has this policy: cannot find then buy new ones. and when we start to pack, we actually found those stuff =.="
anyways, parents headed out to get cny deco, drinks, liquors, beers, clothes, food, etc. this new yr is definitely too rush for me! i'm so not prepared! exams, new yr, relatives coming, heading out, shopping, omgomg. everything's here in a blink of eye.
stop the time, will you?
p.s. i got the confirmation letter from ngee ann regarding internship. [someone pls tell me, its not real. you know i still hate it]
Monday, February 01, 2010
shopping for cny clothes with mommy @ vivo :)
went to our frequent hangout esprit, but not alot of nice choice this time round. so only grabbed a short, leggings and PURPLE top! since member got 10% off! whee! forgot to get tanktops from there though =.="
walked over to forever21, but couldnt find anything nice. still prefer the ones in 313! so much attractive as compared. probably cos there's 4 storeys! HA! saw this ultra stunning studded vest and moreover its warm! argh. mom say "NOT NICE LAH! where got nice. waste money on such things" wait till i get my own angpow money, i get it myself! HMPH. topshop nothing nice too. mom found this dress which looks pretty normal to me, so ya give it a miss.
hmm i think the IN colour this yr is demin blue? saw lotsa shops with this coloured dress,tops,shorts,jeans, jackets, etc. so how can i miss it right?! HAHA. when i thought no more cny clothes that can caught my attention... I SAW THEM :D in hypnosis. their items there are so much nicer than ones in j8. maybe thats the difference between town and neighbourhood eh?
and and i'm so in love with embriodered dresses! they look so prettttyyyyy. got 2 lucky dip in that shop and managed to get 40% off!
ohoh. this shop actually caught my attention! cos the shop name goes like this : KITSCHEN. i saw as kitchen :X so headed in to take a look, hoping can find some prey. and YES I DID. in fact mom did too! HA. but their service is like errr wth? haf u ever been chased out of the changing room, cos they wanna let other customers in 0.o ya they did that to us. wth right. for clothes sake, i bear with them ok. heehee.
so so so.. my awesome shopping trip sum up with:
- grey shorts
- PURPLE checkered top
- black leggings
- yellow cum demin dress
- black speg dress
- baby blue speg top
- blue embroidered dress
- blue romper [omg this is my first!]
dinner@korean restaurant was heaven :D oh, i dragged mommy into candy empire and she bought goodies for me! hmm. upon collating the receipts, we spent a total approx $ 600? haven buy mommy and daddy cny clothes though. we kinda went over budget. cos they set aside $450 for me only :X cab ride after the tired legs of walking and arms of carrying shopping bags is that happy.
somehow, having a credit card is so wonderful. can i have one soon?
P.S. i think i saw IPAD with my own eyes today. the hottie is just using it beside me on mrt.
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