Thursday, April 30, 2009
now i know wad it feels to lost that important yet not so crucial card LOL! so ya ytd kena scolded like siao by parents upon reaching home. guess wad they were betting that i will lost my laptop next =.=" wth lah. [i promise that wont happened lor.. hur hur. so heehee! guys, pls do me a favour from preventing tt from happening k. lol. constantly remind me, as i am a big blur sotong]
anyways, there's is this shanghai immersion program from 9sept to 17oct leh!!! SHOULD I GO?! got pros and cons leh! and the thing is my bday is during the trip hahaha :D sort of cool right, get to slack with frens in a foreign land HAHAHA! and most probably i will be in the sharing room with darling aneza <3333 heheee! we can watch u know together LOLL! will this be a dream afterall???
*but 6 wks damm long lah. i miss my parents and home.* [i go kota tinggi camp that time stay 2 nights, call home alr wan cry liao sia LOL]- this is the disadvantage of being only child :(
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
i actually lost my ez link card wth. i just bought 50 bucks concession!!!! RAHHH!! and there's money inside too.. lost it while printing stuff sia~~~ who the hell took it?! PLS RETURN TO LOST AND FOUND :D i appreciate it greatly!!!!!
actually i almost lost my cashcard also.. but luckily aneza reminded me while going off after photocopying notes~~~ THANKS SWEETIE <3
SEE I SO SOTONG! omgg. lost handphone just 4 months ago. now lost ezlink card. kena scolded by parents like siao lah! and they say they were not surprised if i lost my lappy this yr =.=" i dunno why. but i seriously cannot rmb such stuffff... haiz~~~~~~ MANLING WHAT IS IN UR BRAIN SIA?! grrrrrrssssss
anyways, thanks qihui, teckhwee and jonathan for helping me searching for it though its rather late in the night ((: you guys are loved!
*prays silently for the kind soul to return my ezlink card*
Monday, April 27, 2009
headed to class at 6pm =.= its not a joke okay. but seriously today no class except jap lessons.. so ya~~~~ blah blah blah.. baka had his interview. hope it all went well (: bought clsp textbook. ate tidbits during jap HEEHEE. made the sensei rather blur thanks to oishii bakery =.=" . sat daddy car back, fetching aneza and ly. home sweet home.
so thats how fast 1 day just went pass like that! its like in a wink, OH ITS TUESDAY! LOL.
luckily this friday is labour day (((: u know wad it means?! YES NO SCHOOL, NO WAKING UP EARLY, NO TUTORIALS, NO LECTURES, NOTHING! except rotting at home wahahaha :D HAPPIE TO THE MAX!
wah i almost cant recognise mommy sia! she went jean yip do new hairstyle lah! cut away her long hair sia, and did bob 0.0 with bangs! with the zip zag effect! ok i dunno how to say sia~~~ but still a brand new look!!!! super joke i go tell daddy " wah your girlfriend now very young liao hor, getting younger each day LOL" guess i need some time to get use to it heehee!
dearest, all the best for syf tomorrow :D show the b***h the talent you've got hahahaa!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
~ Youth At Risk ~
Life for youth is a moment, a declaration
Life for youth is a test, of our persistence and consistence
Life for youth teaches us the origin, of who we are & what we are
They choose their own path, the road of positive & negative.
Some of them may finish the path, while some get lost in the mist
The journey is long, they can only do it alone
As they get lost, the road will be gone
Mistakes make by them are oftenly stubborn
But from this mistakes, they will get to learn
Some may get in risk like sex
But after such action done always make them regret
Others will try to get involve into drugs
Only to waste their time & money much
Never will they know it decrease their life-span
Until the day they repent, it's too late for doctors to tend
Some parents may think their children can fend for themselves
But in reality they are just too listless to care for themselves
Just because of lacking of communication between childrens & parents
Despondent childrens may start to hate & even get into internal rebellion
Youth suffers, as it's the point of time when they grow
Youth wonders, why their never have such a comfortable glow
Life for youth is a way, to behold of your own destiny
Life for youth is a solemn memory, which will follow you for eternity.
[found this poem meaningful for youth like us by my brother when helping my friend on his literature work
Wanna share this poem as it has lots of meaning about our youth life and things related to youth that are really currently happening in the world now...]
Saturday, April 25, 2009

omg nice right?! sakura blossom liao~~~ how i wish i can teleport to japan right away! when can i ever see the real ones eh? they are simply so beautiful.. imagine having a mini picnic with your cliques under the sakura flowers~~~ awwww.. so sweet.
alrights, just a random post up! cos i gotta go back to my clsp tutorial :( [okay, i was being ignored.. - aneza ^^] hahaha and not forget the goods written as gods in her ifa notes LOLLL!
Friday, April 24, 2009
ended class at 3pm.. and headed for dinner@ pizzza hut with qihui, baka and teckhwee~~ yummy! but erm erm. we got a laughing virus there LOL. seriously leh! sometimes not funny, but just cant control sia. worst thing is baka and teckhwee keep purposely make us laugh de lor. think the ppl there think we crazy sia hahahahaah :X but we had lotsa fun and jokes so yupp! GREAT! oh ya thanks baka for waiting bus with me :D
and guess wad! i finish audit and fmgt tutorials! ok lah, i admit lor, with daddy's help! THANKS DADDY <3
was reading qihui's blog ~~ came to think abt.. when are we seriously satisfied? when we are rich? when we achieve wad we want? when we have a happie family? when we found our the other half? when we have a great circle of friends? when we climb to the highest position in terms of career? when we attain our self desires? when we get a new handphone? when we get all our needs? when we get our wants?
after thinking so much... i realised i do not know the answer myself. its like i was never satisfied. and worst, i do not even know when i will be satisfied! everytime when we tell ourselves "i am satisfied" after getting the things we wanted, but deep down in our heart, are we really satisfied? are we really contented with the things happening around us? people always say " be true to what your heart tell you to~~" but its very hard to attain that.. how many of us can really do what our hearts wants us to do! i dunno ~~~ i just find that i am still so indecisive and confused abt satisfication. maybe one day i will get it the true meaning of being contented. however. definitely not at this particular moment.
life is an irony isnt it?? when we wanna show concern to people, end up hurting them. when we wanna love them, end up hating them. when we wanna do well for exams, end up screwing it up. when we put in so much effort, our efforts will go down the drain~~ when we had high expections, we fall right to the bottom.. and hurt ourselves badly. when we try to pick ourselves up, we meet obstacles again~~
is this the little monster - LIFE?!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
ended class at 11am today whee~~ then headed off to queensway with qihui.. mac-ed for lunch then th came ((: anyway, qihui got his backpack liao! like finally~~~~~ LOL. super shocking was we actually went to tianhong's mommy shop!!! hahaha its like so coincidental lah! SHOCKED SIA! but happie hahha :D
caught 17again muhahahahaha! zac effron <3 LOL :X then baka end lesson 3pm or else can join us de :(
i miss the ben& jerry free cone day!!!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
anyways, met up with dearest huiling and rachel!!!! like after how many 10003654367450 days LOL [ok abit exaggerating].. chatted rather long and being nice, i treat hl mcflurry ((: the promise i made to her hahaha. still owe darlings serene and fangy!!! WHEN WE GONNA FLURRY TOGETHER ????? sobs.. roamed around shopping for hl black heels since she needs it for syf! hahaha nice excuse to get new shoes isnt it? heheee .. i seriously tried to control my curb for clothes liao hor~~ but still.. ahem ahem. i bought a cardigan from cotton on~~ its damm cheap lah! everything's on 50% sale sia! wanted to get the sandals and flats.. but haiz. lazy to try on heheee! cotton on, wait for me ok!!! I WILL BE BACK!
and so. manling will be back in school tomorrow.. happie? sad? stress? and guess wad! her first day of school will end at 8pm. wad a "JOY"!
OH i forgot to add on that, rachel actually did her eyelash extensions!!! OMGOZSH! *squeals*
Friday, April 17, 2009
we all put into lotsa love ok making the food!!!!
manling- jelly
qihui- sandwiches [though the combo abit weird]
jon- tortilla wraps with sausages, lettuce, straw mushroom
aneza- french fries, hot dogs, nuggets
teckhwee- i-scream!
had lotsa fun sia! cos after picnic we took lotsa photos like really hell loads! LOL. we did lotsa stunts too!!!! HAHAHA. played our primary sku memories games!!! i actually still rmb them omg! suddenly miss the days of always late for school playing game at grandstand with mich, lings, jess :D anyways!!!! we actually played -> wad is the time mr wolf LOL, 123 mu tou ren, one little frog, mice, heart attack, ouch-orbi orbi, etc..
and i came up with one little jonathan - jump into the water - HAHAHAHAH :X
yes i forgot to mention I SAW NADIAH! so damm qiao can! of all place there and of all days TODAY! wah this gotta show something, singapore really damm small and teens really nowhere to go liao LOLL :D
headed to cineleisure, wanting to catch 17 again but oh wells rather packed.. so ya NO zac effron :((((( sadded to the max! LOL so went to lvl 9, they went lan shop ya. so qihui and i played psp LOL! until aneza called me to join her go heeren help her select present WHEE! while waiting for traffic light, this gal approached us say can help do a survey... so ya being nice gal, i did :D when aneza actually rejected her previously HAHA! so yupp after bidding buaiis to aneza, i went back to the same traffic light crossing back to cine~~ and guess wad! a guy approached me ask me do the SAME survey. so i said" erm i did alr.."
thinking the fact that he would say " alrights, thanks :D"
in reality: he said this -> " erm would you mind doing it AGAIN for me?"
WAH LAO wad is this man. i alr did hello! so i said " nope, i rushing for time" and the green man happened to light on hahah so i just walked off ((:
and i gotta say this, aneza got a pocket bus directory!!!! LOL! and aneza wads with the bus 5 sia HAHAHA :X [inside joke] to end off, i had a wonderful day sun-burning myself ((:
the green patch of grass which we played games on!
yummy food!
aeroplanes! qihui how many we ate le?! LOL
hardworking eh? reading blaw textbk leh! HAHAHA *evil winks*
I SWEAR THIS IS DAMM SCARY! at that height omg, the last time i sat there was on my daddy shoulder which is when i still toddler!
aneza piggy back me :D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
shall let the photos do the talking~~ but something cfm must write! went queensway with qihui, teckhwee and baka jon :D AND! when gg home, took bus to redhill mrt =.= and jon and i met accident sia! like for the first time in my entire life! scary lah. the stupid idiot taxi crashed the bus until the headlights dropped out and texi door also dented.. damm! gotta alight and walk to mrt instead. lucky nobody was injureed sia.. yeah there's like a sudden jerk, and everyone just swif to the right~~ the impact is huge though. and i did scream hahaha :X
super tired liao. tmr picnic day and gonna catch 17again! zac effron <3


our table ((: