many things can just happened within 2 days...
like i said.. yes i agree i am stubborn. i have my own temper. i am indecisive. i have lotsa weakness that i myself am still finding out.. haha mayb thats wad that makes me unique and special?!
"i dunno" tends to be the favourite word i know ever since i know you. yupp it doesnt sound right.. nor nice.. but every thing that u do me to me it make me feel like a pressure thats adding on weight onto me each day. i am very worried that one day it might eventually crush me down into pieces....
那就是我。。永远把他对我的爱和所作的事搁放在一边.. 谢谢你让我了解什么是喜欢。喜欢是什么感觉。。谢谢你为我所做的每一件事。。谢谢你在我伤心时,还默默地支持着我,关心我。这两个月来,我真的过的很快乐。虽然中途有不开心的事情发生,不过我们始终已经成长了许多。接下来我们应该还有很多事要学吧!一起加油吧 (:
maybe its jus me thats of the problem... sorrie... still good frens i hope.. every moment we spent together will be carved in my heart and remained in a special place that belong to just you and me :D
something worth celebrating about! ITS MY DADDY BDAY TODAY! HAPPIE BIRTHDAY DAD! I LOVE YOU ! thanks for all the things u did for me, even the simple things such as sending me to school and even a simple "all the best" sms from u during my exams period. most imptly, i know you always put us in ur priority and gave us all ur love and concern (: thanks for being such a great daddy!
yes and i got a new phone!!!!!!!!! F480 brown :D wanted to pink one but no stock and need to wait =.= plus the promoter say until i dun wan pink de liao. and mom bought a new pink LG phone to curb her love for a brand new phone! LOL!
i feel very blissed to be surround by a whole lot of great family and friends and of course all been there for me whenever i meet obstacles to help me pull thru every setbacks.. and be my "little miss sunshine" :D
oh ya before i forgot, thanks uncle!!! for helping me in fixing this blog. this blog got some problems last night if any of u realised...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
went with darlings to compass point to see the little nyonya autograph session (:
super crowded i tell u, can die!!!! suffocate LOL! think all the west ppl also came here to see the cast ppl LOL! had a great time with clique though... went chomp chomp for dinner, super yummy i tell u! ITS DELICIOUS :D
[mature theme] but this grp of ppl sort of spoil our day! they damm idiotic lah, stalkers sia! this grp of guys, cos we took 136 down to chomp chomp.. then they came up at kovan.. sitting beside us.. ok i admit some parts we were laughing and toking abit louder than usual, so they SHHHH us -.- ok fine its on bus, so its alright... our fault. then when bus turn ly accidentally step onto the guy shoes.. but we said sorrie (: they then went chomp chomp to eat also! while crossing to the hawker centre, they guys SHHH us again -.- WTH! so we fed up and said something back. they then scolded us " cross the road lah, 700" IDIOTS! so off we went to eat our dinner, finally found a seat cos really crowded! then dunno is suay or wad, they came and sit beside our table =.= then started the SHH thingy! childish lah... happily ate oour food and heck care them then still early so thinking of gg heartland mall to shop (: and SUPER SUAY! saw them at bus stop and taking same bus again zzzzzzzzz they saw us and started the SHH thingy omg i feel like SMACKING them -.- they in the end also in heartland mall shopping wth lah =.= my whole day revolves ard them idiots.
anyway saw hu lao shi at kovan!!!!! happie! so long nvr see her sia ((: we had a great time eating poh pia and laughing at our stupid jokes! OH YA! i learnt a new game!!! hamburger, fries, coke, apple pie = ITS CALLED THE FAST FOOD GAME hahaha. and i made lotsa jokes out of it omg... malu sia laughed until our stomach all cramps LOL!
I MISS U ALL!!!! AT LEAST WED WE MEETING AGAIN :D and i can declare jess got STM! haha
OH YA! the compass point floor tiles actually cracked after the autograph session!!!! OMG! so scary right! YES NOW U KNOW HOW BIG IS THE CROWD! even senior citizens also squeeze in to see lor =.="

3 jokers!

playing dai dee and bridge ((:

super crowded i tell u, can die!!!! suffocate LOL! think all the west ppl also came here to see the cast ppl LOL! had a great time with clique though... went chomp chomp for dinner, super yummy i tell u! ITS DELICIOUS :D
[mature theme] but this grp of ppl sort of spoil our day! they damm idiotic lah, stalkers sia! this grp of guys, cos we took 136 down to chomp chomp.. then they came up at kovan.. sitting beside us.. ok i admit some parts we were laughing and toking abit louder than usual, so they SHHHH us -.- ok fine its on bus, so its alright... our fault. then when bus turn ly accidentally step onto the guy shoes.. but we said sorrie (: they then went chomp chomp to eat also! while crossing to the hawker centre, they guys SHHH us again -.- WTH! so we fed up and said something back. they then scolded us " cross the road lah, 700" IDIOTS! so off we went to eat our dinner, finally found a seat cos really crowded! then dunno is suay or wad, they came and sit beside our table =.= then started the SHH thingy! childish lah... happily ate oour food and heck care them then still early so thinking of gg heartland mall to shop (: and SUPER SUAY! saw them at bus stop and taking same bus again zzzzzzzzz they saw us and started the SHH thingy omg i feel like SMACKING them -.- they in the end also in heartland mall shopping wth lah =.= my whole day revolves ard them idiots.
anyway saw hu lao shi at kovan!!!!! happie! so long nvr see her sia ((: we had a great time eating poh pia and laughing at our stupid jokes! OH YA! i learnt a new game!!! hamburger, fries, coke, apple pie = ITS CALLED THE FAST FOOD GAME hahaha. and i made lotsa jokes out of it omg... malu sia laughed until our stomach all cramps LOL!
I MISS U ALL!!!! AT LEAST WED WE MEETING AGAIN :D and i can declare jess got STM! haha
OH YA! the compass point floor tiles actually cracked after the autograph session!!!! OMG! so scary right! YES NOW U KNOW HOW BIG IS THE CROWD! even senior citizens also squeeze in to see lor =.="
3 jokers!
playing dai dee and bridge ((:
Friday, December 26, 2008
so today............... rotting at home waiting for my SIM card to arrive.. mom say will buy me phone on tues :( so gotta stick with my peeling phone for 5 more days..
A BAD BAD DAY FOR ME!!!! got the SIM card. kena slashed on the thumb when trying to pull it out from the card.. to insert into the phone OMG! the skin teared from nail to the joints -.- 3 plasters whoots a record eh. dar huiling still say she sacrifice her super big plaster for me -__- WTH!!!! wad's wrong with my life these days??!!! phone lost. thumb 'gone'. handicapped for a couple of days i think :( sobs sobs ad a hard time bathing jus nw.. cos cannot let the whole right hand touch water.. will die! wads next eh?!
i did myob (: something i am proud of!
A BAD BAD DAY FOR ME!!!! got the SIM card. kena slashed on the thumb when trying to pull it out from the card.. to insert into the phone OMG! the skin teared from nail to the joints -.- 3 plasters whoots a record eh. dar huiling still say she sacrifice her super big plaster for me -__- WTH!!!! wad's wrong with my life these days??!!! phone lost. thumb 'gone'. handicapped for a couple of days i think :( sobs sobs ad a hard time bathing jus nw.. cos cannot let the whole right hand touch water.. will die! wads next eh?!
i did myob (: something i am proud of!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
dunno is it a happie xmas or sadded xmas?! cos i LOST MY PHONE! kena stolen i think... luckily i terminated the line and m1 will be sending over new SIM card tmr ((: [still the same number]
first try: the phone is still ringing..
second try: the person disconnected my call :(
third try: he offed the phone.
thats it! its gone.. there goes my beloved samsung soul.. which i using less than a yr omg. sorrie darling, nvr take good care of u! haiz..
haha was telling the whole story to huiling then we were ending up cursing the person who took it LOL! if still studying, do badly during exams and tests. if working, kena fired and no promotion. if walking, fall down every step. if eating, kena choke by food. and the list goes on.. [pai seh.. PG THEME! haha we were really fed up jus nw LOL]
looking on the brighter side, i will get a new phone soon :D:D:D:D:D
goodbye my love.
dunno is it a happie xmas or sadded xmas?! cos i LOST MY PHONE! kena stolen i think... luckily i terminated the line and m1 will be sending over new SIM card tmr ((: [still the same number]
first try: the phone is still ringing..
second try: the person disconnected my call :(
third try: he offed the phone.
thats it! its gone.. there goes my beloved samsung soul.. which i using less than a yr omg. sorrie darling, nvr take good care of u! haiz..
haha was telling the whole story to huiling then we were ending up cursing the person who took it LOL! if still studying, do badly during exams and tests. if working, kena fired and no promotion. if walking, fall down every step. if eating, kena choke by food. and the list goes on.. [pai seh.. PG THEME! haha we were really fed up jus nw LOL]
looking on the brighter side, i will get a new phone soon :D:D:D:D:D
goodbye my love.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
ok transport back to monday LOL! xmas celeb part 1 with np clique <33
yes as usual was late with ly HAHA. 1 hr late pro hor? heehee, they went to play pool while waiting for us :D then off we went to kbox from 2 plus to 7 plus sing until shiok sia! uncle damm pro sing hokkein song lehhhhh :D
went outside cine for dinner! omg its so delicious lah ((: my fav!!!!! and they tried BOTAK JONES! very yummy also! had a great dinner that day super full and oishi!
in order to save money haha, i took bus home form orchard, bus leh, my buddy sia! mrt shoo onli classmate nia hur :P [ still reach home quite fast onli took an hr, cos bus arrive soon when i reach bus stop]
oh ya, i saw ahem ahem again!!!! so qiao lah, same place same month saw twice omg! huiling see u not as lucky and fortunate as me HAHA :X

jon jon, me, baka ly

i bought root beer for uncle!!! arent i nice :D

orchard cine <33
yes as usual was late with ly HAHA. 1 hr late pro hor? heehee, they went to play pool while waiting for us :D then off we went to kbox from 2 plus to 7 plus sing until shiok sia! uncle damm pro sing hokkein song lehhhhh :D
went outside cine for dinner! omg its so delicious lah ((: my fav!!!!! and they tried BOTAK JONES! very yummy also! had a great dinner that day super full and oishi!
in order to save money haha, i took bus home form orchard, bus leh, my buddy sia! mrt shoo onli classmate nia hur :P [ still reach home quite fast onli took an hr, cos bus arrive soon when i reach bus stop]
oh ya, i saw ahem ahem again!!!! so qiao lah, same place same month saw twice omg! huiling see u not as lucky and fortunate as me HAHA :X
jon jon, me, baka ly
i bought root beer for uncle!!! arent i nice :D
orchard cine <33
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
today was xmas celebration part 2!!!! went sentosa with darlings!!!!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH LAH!!!! so yes yes i know, as usual i was late! -.- we supposedly meeting 1pm but apparently we reached 2 pm WAHAHAHA. ok all late queens, or is it me?! LOL! ya so upon arrival, had our picnic at palawan beach :D were shifting around cos of the sun HAHA. then I LEARNT HOW TO PLAY BRIDGE AND INDIAN POKER! ok i might be slow but ya, IT WAS FUN :)
[okie this part not suppose to be included cos it sort of spoil my day, LOL! we wanted to take a group photo at the song of seas.. then finding for ppl help us ma.. this young boy ard sec 2 scooter past, so i approached him " excuse me, can help us take a photo?" AND u know wad, he jus scootered past SO RUDE LAH! darling ly scolded the f word at him HAHA. serve him right lor, so evil! wad kinda attitude is this!]
ya and we took 150 photos!!! until my camera run out of battery! and at vivo the xmas tree there, we wanted to take grp photo! then approached the jap tourist OMG they jus so cool man! ly and i the first jap convo is with real jap :D WHOOTS!
anyway i really had a wonderful xmas eve's eve LOL! love all of u!!!!!!!
[adapted from huiling] 10 yrs of school mate, 4-6 yrs of class mate, FRIENDS FOREVER :D
alright enuff of the toking, photos time!

the whitest leg is mine!

omg the little santa hat I REALLY THOT IT WAS MAGNETIC! stupid lings trick me!

vivo :D

in the toilet.. actually there's an unglam shot of serene darling washing feet in the basin but she dun allow me to post it here :(
[okie this part not suppose to be included cos it sort of spoil my day, LOL! we wanted to take a group photo at the song of seas.. then finding for ppl help us ma.. this young boy ard sec 2 scooter past, so i approached him " excuse me, can help us take a photo?" AND u know wad, he jus scootered past SO RUDE LAH! darling ly scolded the f word at him HAHA. serve him right lor, so evil! wad kinda attitude is this!]
ya and we took 150 photos!!! until my camera run out of battery! and at vivo the xmas tree there, we wanted to take grp photo! then approached the jap tourist OMG they jus so cool man! ly and i the first jap convo is with real jap :D WHOOTS!
anyway i really had a wonderful xmas eve's eve LOL! love all of u!!!!!!!
[adapted from huiling] 10 yrs of school mate, 4-6 yrs of class mate, FRIENDS FOREVER :D
alright enuff of the toking, photos time!
the whitest leg is mine!
omg the little santa hat I REALLY THOT IT WAS MAGNETIC! stupid lings trick me!
vivo :D
in the toilet.. actually there's an unglam shot of serene darling washing feet in the basin but she dun allow me to post it here :(
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