went back to pl that day to collect testi n certs. damm sad la, actually a huge gang of us gg de, then end up all pangseh us. onli left hl n camellia :( and indeed pl changed ALOT, seriously.

periodic table outside chem lab!

my favourite SNOWFLAKEZ, that explains my blog url :D

COOL right?! make me think of science centre!
met up with jess cycling @ east coast! had a great time with 2 sotong queens hahaha

sea view?

ehh this is random haha, took ytd during lecture hall. and also dropped qi hui's lappy accidentally! SORRIE QI HUI :(

back to east coast now haha. jess slping cos damm tired after cycling LOL

had a hard time taking pics!


jess, wads with the five?! hahaha

nice garden (: