they stopped our song when it haven end lor!!!! oh wells, but overall, still managed to put our best performance ever ((: we spent entire month i think to pick up the steps for the dancing thingy, recently jus added those skit de. quite last minute for that.
had class party after the concert!!!!!!! yummy food prepared by all of us! HAHA, ours still left a big tub, cos lotsa ppl dun like eat jelly rahh... so poor hl gotta bring home. but its delicious lor! had fun together...... its our last yr.... HAIZ. this yr i feel that we are more bonded as a class, bonds between each other stronger x) well, is it a metallic bond, covalent bond or ionic bond???? hmmm..... LOL
then went with cf searhcing for teachers LOL to pass them their gifts. when passing gifts to mrs chong, i even passed her the $$$ for the o level chem papers, cos dun wan to keep during the hols ma..... she was like " wads that???" HAHAHA.
gave teachers POOH bear plus a love letter frm the october babies --- cf and i !!!!!!
wanna hug me????
triplets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee =D muackies i love them so much la.....
they look so adorable, cuteee, pretty, smart, yummy LOLL
Thursday, August 30, 2007
"To the world, I'm one person. But to one person, I might be the world."
Thursday, August 23, 2007
celebrating joyce and lingying birthday ((:
the fruity and yummy cake =D i added that smartie looking professor LOL
the five beauties ((:
back row: "toot", blur blur sotong queen, parrot-tong [me!] seated: the 2 princesses of the day ---- joyce & lingying
the cake that supposed to land into jess stomach....
the "scary- looking" professor
this is the other side of him --- smart looking
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
i practically screwed up my emaths n add maths tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!! firstly i pin not much hope on amaths liao. cos i simply cannot understand a single thingy on relative velocity!
but i did try out some questions la.... vectors was pretty ok though.
as for emaths, i am so depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had to say the questions were okie, managable ---- but the fact was i forgot to bring in my calculator! and the teacher simply dun allow me to go out and take, when i already realised during checking of papers ): the paper haven start yet, but still cannot go out n take.
mayb i cant blame the teacher la, my own fault for being so forgettful............
so i ended up cannot solve certain "easy" questions! and had to spend the whole day doing long division )):
i was so upset with myself, seriously.
crying is the best way of de-stressing myself... so when i reached home, the first thing is to slam myself on my bed, cover with blanket over head, and cry out loud! let the all the tears i was crying, i fell asleep... [thats's usually the way how i sleep during days where i m utterly upset]
hmmm.. suddenly thought of this. mayb cos today serene,etc keep saying la, and doing the actions thingy.
4A3 : jia you for english oral tmr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
today the day you n i have been waiting for...........
announcing of chinese o lvls... smiles. cries... everywhere.
to those who scored well: well done!!!!!!!! now u got one less subject to focus on... hmmm.. continue to strive hard for other sub as well k. enjoy celebrating for today ((:
to those who din do very well/not up to expectation: well, cheer up! as long as you put in effort, you will be able to score better next time! [if u r retaking] life is full of ups and downs, its similar to a roller coaster ride... but you ownt always be on the down side, there will always be times when u are way up high! no matter what happens, rmb that God, ur family, friends, classmates, many many ppl who loved you, will be there for you =D they will always be there to support you and to cheer you on..... its a race that you must continue running! however, you're not alone ((:
to stefanny: congrats!!!!!!!! happy for you, got in NP as well =D mayb we might be classmates, who knows? HAHA. all the best for oral tmr though.
for me:
it was the release of the DPA results. got in ngee ann poly acocuntancy.... many ppl would that its a great opportunity for me! and i shud simply accept it, but............ i have other factors to consider as well...
cos up till now, i still have no idea which route to take.
i need an answer seriously. but who can help me?
at the end of the day,
i am still left with the question " should i accept or reject?" floating in my mind.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
went TBPC =D
melissa invited us there....
the concert is fantastic! the songs all very nice ((:
and and and... the i-scream buffet yummy!
during the concert, ly was smsing the whole day. a busy gal as usual LOLL but the main point is hl n i saw one of her msg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its XXXXXX hahahaha...
Friday, August 10, 2007
secret with lingying and serene ((((:
very sad lor the story.... touching. cried.
its the first time i cried thrice during the movie ):
as for ly, she laughed continuously thru -out -.-"
serene leh, same as me cried lo. we are normal=D
我爱你 ((:
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
had NDP celebration (:
last yr in pl celebrating NDP with all my friends.........
its the last time we sing those community songs together its the last time we watching the same parade together its the last time we standing beside each other its the last time we do all the funny weird things together its the last time we watched the NDP concert its the last time we bring the chairs back to the classrooms its the last time we laughed at each other lame jokes during the concert its the last time we cheering for each other
and the list goes on.
there's always an end to everything we do..... but our friendship will remains true & forever =D
i really did study!!!!!!!!!!! can absorbed lor when studying with joyce.... both of us definitely DID make full use of our time. as for ly leh.... ahen ahen clear throat.... she obviously didnt study la! went ard heartland mall, then when she ocme back, we thought she decided to take our her bks and start revising, and guess wad? she said she leaving for douby ghaut :/ i really dunno what to say le lor. all of us already use all type of methods to stop her fm wandering ard and start revision for prelims. but... nothing seems to work ): seriously, i really dun want her to waste anymore time le. cos i know prelims is indeed drawing nearer each day.
moreover, i already feels that i got not enuff time -.-
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NDP theme song 2007:
Will you:
There's no place I'd rather be:
Sunday, August 05, 2007
{林宇中: 主题曲}
回忆的声音 播在夜里 像是一首旋律 多么美丽 那时我很肯定 你是我唯一 眨个眼 我们就各分东西
再说我爱你 泪把心占据 却有些甜蜜 让伤心被允许
说过的话语 做过的事情 像歌曲 陪我每个冬季 纪念着 我和你相爱这主题
时间早已忘记 分手时候的无情 你给的 美好回忆 让我有怀念的勇气
Saturday, August 04, 2007
mug mug mug......
something interesting :
huiling aka SOTONG cos she very blur la.
lingying aka TWEETY THE BIRD (: cos of her few strands of hair that stands up. doesnt that remind you of tweety?
well..... as for me er....
manling aka PARROT-TONG. a mixture of parrot and sotong =D
Friday, August 03, 2007
finally its friday again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so tired this wk. yes, there's no tests but this wk need to stay back almost everyday.... so its like... sianz.
actually there's like no pe lesson de lor. except for rachel n i .... cos the sku lost our record of the five items!!!!!!!! bad news of all la! why must it be me????? the probability is like 1 out of 1400 can! dumb dumb dumb. so crap la. so wad to do. got to re-take the 5 items lor.
so i got a bronze as usual. not bad liao lor, cos haven really been exercising since napfa. pity rachel lor, at first she got gold de, then now either silver or bronze liao. she's damm sad la.
HAIZ. no sense of respnsibility la. have they forgotten abt our grace values???? rahhh...
anyway, during lunch today, saw the channel newasia crew in sku. came to film stg la. then walking ard with the video cam in the canteen. And finally stop right opposite our table. as i m facing directly oppo the cam, of ocurse i left the table la! i am camera-shy okie. HAHAA
after lunch, was our class dance prac.... much better now le. practice makes perfect! though not really perfect now haha.... huiling damm funny la, cos got this action is suppose to put down your hand, then she went to point up high! LOLLL. we ended up laughing non stop and rolling on the floor. okie thats exagerrating. HAHA. as you see, we all standing at the last row ma, then all not very good in dancing de hehe.
chem lesson today was rather interesting!!!! sat beside huizhen again... hmmm looks like we return to sec3 days where we sitting next to each other eh. cool! i knew you miss my cutie little chicken that i always draw on your worksheets hor..... HAHA. thats definitely one of the best memories i have in pl.
okie, here's the important news!!!!!!!!!!!!! must listen carefully huh. dig ur ears hor.
i gained 2 kg le la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now 38 kg..... SOBS SOBS.... must be all the mac fault! cos i think i ate abt 5 imes mac last month lor! OH NO. i must really control my diet liao.... dionne was like asking me how to maintain that weight and she thinks that's good figure to her....... i am like -.-" to me, thats not my ideal weight la, cos very hard to buy clothes and everything, but i also dun wan go over 40 kg leh. 40 kg shall be my max limit!
well, simple jus eat lesser during meals, but have more meals. and eat supper. and slack. HAHA. thats wad i do everyday! probably also due to my mom genes la.
13 august---- i waiting for this day to arrive....... the dance hits we dancing with: step up: show me the money