mon: handbell prac is fun as usual. tok alot of crap stuff wif debra haha.... cos boring ma. nothing much actually besides changing parts of the song. ran 2.4km trial its horrible! cos after rianing ma, so quite cooling, then we thought it would b nice running .... but its terrible. LOL. cos its my
worst timing ever... mayb thats the resut of lack in exercise (: hl ran much faster cos she got a very good motivation however after last few runs she slowed down...(cos over the timing she wanted to beat liao.)
tues: geog was quite slack. cos under aircon room --wa so shuang haha.. watched this agriculture video. ethel was simply sleeping thru-out the lesson ---- and i jus realised she sleep wif her eyes OPEN!!!! jus like how my fish sleeps at home heehee... and and and joyce i wan go the gourmet dinner!!!!!!!! dun care la, drag them there haha
wed: emaths lesson was fun for the first time cos its my favourite chapter---transformation! then we supposed present our hw lor. ( as in she will haf to call her "fav" no. then the suay one will haf to present haha) and as u see, all teachers like the number 1 so....... haiz...
pe was sort of the slack-est one i ever had. supposed to run 5 rounds around the parade square haha then teacher went off to do sth. so the circle that we ran got smaller n smaller n eventually we onli ran 4 rounds. some of them ever smarter ah, ran across the parade square -.- then did skipping ( all kinds lor) my legs aching ever since.
bio prac should be the funniest practicall lesson we ever had. cos teacher re-cap wif us wad must we take note to draw the histogram. then in order to draw histogram, must haf frequency ma. so teahcer was like saying " wad must you all haf to draw the histogram??"
silent. cos everyone forgot heehee..
" the f-word."
LOLL. my class burst out laughing... at first she dun get the joke behind it of course. haha then a while later, she was like laughing secretly.
"you all hor, all the mind polluted one."
today: had a ss timed-test. its 30% of CA leh. i sure fail liao. haha cos that day when teacher went thru the skills, i was absent so i dun even know wad teacher taught...... went to sku early today , thanks to hl. she left her book under table in hcl room. and we dun rmb where is it, so went around the whole sku looking for it.
live lesson is the slackest! was discussing abt the funfair... our class doin on food. yummy... then spent the whole hr, reading 8days + i weekly haha.. we were laughing at the "fast" speed hl was reading ... serene shud know it best la.
then on our way to chem practical, li yi asked me touched this sof thing wrapped in the wrapper. its really very soft, then she asked me guess wad is it lo. its actually the chewing gum she spit out!!!!!!! so gross la. haha then one of them even went to smell it... i really pity her LOL.
then sort of slept thru the chem lesson cos she spent 2 periods going thru 2 pages of notes... and i already ans the questions ytd night le lor. so when she asked us to try out, i was actually sleeping. the weather is so cooling n nice that its such a gud environment to sleep in.
joyce, i already told ly abt our secret project liao. shes so excited abt it!!!!!!! so u meet up wif her on tues night hor.
today, debbie said hl n i look like sisters. ( as in not literally look like, but close like sis) our first reaction were the same haha... "such an insult" ---- of course we dun mean it la, jus joking ma. then ly started saying" but hl will b the older one cos i looked younger xP" so i m like so happy!!!!!! haha.... but which means, i will haf to wait longer to watch NC-16, M-18 movies..... sobs...
sort of having flu again... heehee cos it was rianing when i walked home after sku, then i lazy lo, din take out umbrella.... cos its like such a short-dist.
next wed 4/4 will be
EXACTLY 6 MONTHS TO MY BIRTHDAY.... ( which also means abt 6 more mths to o's)
today passed to ss monitress my photo on the historic monument cos we wanna the orange flimstrip haha!!!! then the photo is taken when i m k2! my hair is like boyish kind, with a long strand of hair at the back( cos last time very cool to haf this kind of hair ma.) haha went there twice but the older one onli got one photo of that, so no choice lor, give the younger one. and i told them thats my brother LOL. ( though i dun haf one.) " wow, ur bro looked quite alike wif u leh"
hl blurted out " thats her la! how can she have a brother when shes the onli child" LOL.